- 14:38 @ WingsofTitanium You should, it sucks you in XD #
- 14:39 @ ironicaccount Damn those stupid side quests >< I always feel obligated to try and do them and never really wanna.. #
- 14:40 #iremember when I use to think that sleeping in until after 12 was awesome T_T #
- 14:54 @ ironicaccount you bastard! Actually I think we did that in Crystal Chronicles too? with the Dad? #
- 21:48 I find I have a growing intolerance for blatant advertising in music videos. I'm looking at you PCD and BEP u_u #
- 00:15 Aaah I seriously can't stop watching this thing at the moment. bit.ly/AVwh9
I need to rewatch this movie.. # - 00:52 For those who haven't heard or read The Abominable Charles Christopher, you should definitely give it a try. www.abominable.cc/ #
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