Cooper the Neurotic Poodle

Mar 09, 2007 00:23

We might, possibly, maybe getting a new dog. A little maltese poodle cross named Cooper.
It's only a might possible maybe because poor little Cooper's mental health has to be taken into consideration and whether he'll be able to handle not only our cat.. Bluey or Mali..(whose also a poodle but a standard one so a good deal bigger than Cooper will be)

Cooper's previous owners were fucktards so the poor thing is on anti depressants therefore this isn't a thing of 'they'll get use to each other' like Mali and Bluey initially (which is more, Bluey will instill his command over and Mali will blindly follow despite being three times as big) it's more of will this make it better or worse.

There's possibly going to be a trail weekend to see how they go to help decide.
Personally I'm hoping it'll be alright. Mali would love the constant playmate and my brother is obviously enarmoured with Cooper (who currently belongs to his girlfriend's mother (who has 12 dogs.. and i don't know how many cats yet but she also works with the RSPCA so it explains the quantity)

EDiT: make that 13 dogs, 10 cats, don't know how many birds and a few kangeroos.

bluey, pets, dog, mali

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