Hello~ It's MuRaSaKi!
It's been another stressfull week!!!!!!! I'm getting really tired of school now. So glad that it's almost the holidays. . . but i'll still have to do work but just won't have to go to school. . so thats ok. Today we FINALY did our dance assignment. And after weeks of practasing we got really nervous and did everything fast and it looked kinda weird. . . . but the teacher liked it so as long as she thought it was good thats what counts hahaha. But we had to do it inside a classroom and there wasn't enough room and so that kinda made it funny too but oh well. It's over now
Turns out we have ANOTHER maths test this friday on algebra. I'm really not good at maths at all and i hate expanding and factorising becuase it's so confusing. And on Friday there are students from Japan coming to our school and we get to show them around the school and play sport with them and stuff like that. It'll be FUN~
Yamapi's Rakubeji CM was SO CUTE!!~ His voice was so innocent and cute. Such a little kid. Makes me want to drink rakubeji even though i don't drink veggie juice hahaha. and. . .
I know it was a few days ago and i'm kinda late but just wanted to say it. Really proud of Koyama. I wouldn't have been able to finish uni while having a career like his, let alone being honored as a model student. So happy for him~
EDIT: If you haven't read Shige's essays posted over at
news_jpop by
riccichan go read them!!! OMG you would never have expected Shige to write like that! It's so deep and. . . . . you can easily see why he's the smartest in NEWS haha he has such a logical and inquizzative mind. Shige is so cool haha he's smart and cool~ I like reading stuff like that. It lets you know what they're thinking and feeling.