I need music!>_

Jan 04, 2009 20:57

A few blog entries earlier, I posted that I had to reformat my hard drive in order to save it. As a result, I lost all of my files which of course included my mp3s.. I'm back in Manila. I want to download something. I want music, specifically a new/different music.XDXD

Instead of redownloading everything I had before, could you please please RECOMMEND an artist/s or song/s to me which you think is/are worth listening to. I'm very versatile when it comes to music. I enjoy ALL genres actually..

Recommending a download or rotation site will also be highly appreciated. I know I could just search for that artist or song in torrentz.com or in limewire, but hey, I can get more recommendations from downloading sites.XD

So yep, just comment away please..

NOTE: Something in English is preferred.XD (I have my own korean and japanese fandoms.)

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