Yuletide 2015

Oct 26, 2015 01:00

Dear Yuletide Author -
Hello! Thank you so much in advance!

General dislikes: I'm not into incest, high school AUs, a/b/o, watersports, total power exchange, non-canon character death, or non-con. I don't like tropes that require some kind of biological determinism, like soulmate-type stories where people are soulmates because they are soulmates.

General likes: I'm good with porn, and if you wanna get kinky, casual BDSM type stuff (please, no lifestyle power exchange type dynamics, though). I like stories set in canon that take time to explore that setting, either with a clever canon divergence or general world building details. I also like stories with space adventures, established relationships, new relationships, making out, relationships that aren't essential to the plot, mystery, horror, AUs where people have super powers, and dark dystopian government plots. If you've got an experimental format or style you want to use, go for it.

About: These are mostly just a hodge podge of potential prompts; don't feel like you need to use all of them (because many are contradictory) or any of them, if there's a story of your heart that you want to write! These are mostly prompts about character dynamics and relationships so don't worry about adding something like 'in space!' to them if you want.

01. Marco Polo: I love the court intrigue and the sumptuous design of this show, from costumes to landscapes to the fight choreography. The characters, though, are so intricate and unfold slowly through the show, and I just want to spend more time with them. Especially Byamba and Khutulun. Basically, Byamba/Khutulun/(Marco Polo) forever. Khutulun is my fave, because she can play both sides of the nobility game--she can chill in a headress but is a respected general. And I love Byamba for his heart, how he cares about his friends and how he cherishes her. So anything with them would be amazing: life after the schism in the families, their long courtship, a private moment, a sexy moment. I am also into their individual dynamics with Marco Polo, so if you're into all three of them, I would be tickled pink with a story about their friendship, relationship, Khutulun being adventurous in bed, Khutulun thinking their mancrush is cute, Byamba being into 3somes, them having to go on a quest, Marco Polo defecting, all of them going on another vision quest, everyone teaches The Latin how to wrestle, etc.

02. 12 Monkeys: My favorite thing about this show is how damn smart the time travel writing has been, and how well-paced the character development is, mostly. But, I'm not above asking for some sweet Cole/Ramse, or gritty Cole/Ramse, or some gross, living in the woods for too long, desperate Cole/Ramse. Basically, where is that slash, I ask you? If you're not into slash, though, I'm happy with some backstory on their time running around during the apocalypse. I'm also into Cole/Cassandra, or Cole and Cassandra bro-ing out, Cole and Jennifer going on crazed adventures, Jennifer's intense adoration of Cole -- maybe something of them in the future past?, Cassandra/Jennifer, whatever. Mostly just keep it in universe and kind of gritty and I'll be happy.

03. Lawless: I really like Jack and Bertha's relationship; it was so sweet and was probably my favorite part of the film. But I also really enjoyed Cricket and Jack's friendship-possibly-could-be-more? So I'm down with an OT3, Jack/Cricket with Bertha doing her own thing, Bertha using Jack as a beard as Jack uses her as a cover, Jack leaving Cricket for Bertha and it's very sad because Growing Up means leaving your friends behind, all three of them becoming adorable outlaws (not necessarily shippy), darker fic where Rake is A Villain and they have to save each other, or a future where Cricket Pate ends up surviving.

04. Kidnapped: Turner and Knapp! What savvy scoundrals. I really love Carmen Ejogo and Jeremy Sisto, and they brought so much chemistry to roles that were written to be fleshed out over more than one season. Ship-fic is preferred but obviously not required. I'd be equally happy with some backstory on Turner -- how'd she end up with a renegade like Knapp? Or a case fic where they get to banter and save another kidnapped kid. Basically, how did Knapp get lucky enough to land a tech-savvy badass like Turner as his partner in renegade crime...solving. (PS - this is a one season show that NBC canceled and is available on Netflix, the last time I checked).

05. The Social Network: This film works for me only if I watch it like it's a tragic fucking romance between Eduardo and Mark, so that's kind of where I'm at with this fandom (though feel free to give them a happy ending). I like: sad Eduardo, woobie Eduardo, Eduardo-as-a-Kirkland-bicycle, submissive Eduardo, a Mark who is toppy, Mark who is oblivious, Mark who is interested in being dominant (with a submissive Eduardo), Dustin and Chris who are long suffering, Chris and Eduardo being gay and happy together, Dustin and Mark being gross college dudes together, Dustin and Chris who find happiness with each other, Dustin and Chris who find happiness with other people, co-dependency, tropes, awkward sex, someone being a surprising sex god, terrible experiments, whatever. If you're into Sean, I'm fine with him as either a villain or a bro, but not really as a primary partner to anyone.

06. Everwood: Bright Abbot! Ephram Brown! So much nerd/jock chemistry they created a whole different adorable nerd for Bright to fall head over heels with (not in like, a conspiracy theory way though). I'm trash, but give me something where these two fall in love and Ephram doesn't throw his potential to be a Julliard-trained pianist away for dumb teenage reasons, and Amy gets to do something that has nothing to do with boys. JUST LET HIM GET THAT SCHOLARSHIP, good lord this has haunted me forever, since my days of writing in this LiveJournal about all my AP classes. If you write this fandom and feel inspired, please fix this for me, because Ephram's drive for music was something I definitely over-identified with back then.


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