Title: When We Swam Pairing: Arthur/Eames Rating: R for violence Summary: Cobb gets a lesson about Buddhist theology, Arthur always needs to be 17 moves ahead, and Eames doesn't know why. Words: 11,186
I wanted this to be about Arthur finding the middle path for himself, and I like to think he's found it. Sorry if the Romanization threw you off -- I'm Nichiren Shu, so I'm more used to Japanese translations of things, but thought that this would be the easiest way of naming things.
Thank you so much, also! It means a lot from someone familiar with Eastern philosophy!
Ahahaha, it's just me who cannot connect the word to the concept,your technique is elegant in and of itself. *___* My knowledge of Buddhism is limited to Hinayana Buddhism that's in practice here and I'm quite sure that there are quite a few differences between those two. XD
I think Inception merge well with Eastern philosophies, especially the Indian-origin ones. But I may or may not just love to see authors broaden the horizon and take my breath away again and again. <3<3<3
This story is fantastic. I love that it's not only about suffering but also about love, and it has a calm, crystal clear tone that's a great pleasure to read. The visual images you create are sharp and in focus. Lovely read. Thanks for sharing it.
Comments 68
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Loved this line and many others that I was too breathless to stop and try to copy into the comment box. This was all so very.. zen and beautiful ♥
Arthur is too hard with himself though, someone must remind him of the middle-path rule.
The funny thing is, read those Sanskrit phases in Roman from make me feels ridiculously alienate. /coolstorybro.
Thank you so much, also! It means a lot from someone familiar with Eastern philosophy!
I think Inception merge well with Eastern philosophies, especially the Indian-origin ones. But I may or may not just love to see authors broaden the horizon and take my breath away again and again. <3<3<3
Thank you!
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