A Potoshoot at Home

Apr 10, 2010 11:04

Remember how I always complain that I look terrible in photos?  Oh, you don't?  I LOOK TERRIBLE IN PHOTOS.  Now that that's out of the way, my mother was kind enough to take a whole bunch of photos of me in my Kaito costume so I could find at least a few I like and stop being ashamed of myself.  Out the thrity or so she took, I only like...  six of them.  Well, five, actually.  One was only posted on DeviantArt because I needed a shot of the back of the costume.

Go here to see the photos I have deemed worthy to be put on the net.

In other news, a few of you have probably read posts of mine basically stating "do not watch the entire Code Geass series in one sitting."  I stand by this statement.  I love Code Geass.  It is amazing.  It is also highly addictive.  It is smart.  It also has the most human cast of characters I have ever seen in an anime ever.  This is probably because CLAMP did the character design and CLAMP is amazing.  Unfortunately, the result of having characters that are real epople as opposed to, well, characters, is that I ended up getting rather attached to all of them, even the ones I didn't like very much.

And, of course, Code Geass is mindblowing.  I mean this.  I have seen a lot of people compare its intelligence, logic, and tone to Death Note, but I actually think Code Geass is superior (again, because of the characters).  I literally could not stop watching because I had to know what was going to happen next.  Well, like a Shakespearean tragedy, I knew what the final outcome was going to be, but I had to keep watching to see how it happened.  And, because of how I came to love the characters, I couldn't stop myself from hoping that I was wrong, that the ending would be different.

GUESS WHAT!  Apparently my hopes have come true, because season three has been announced!  Wow...

I highly recommend this series, though it may drive you totally fucking insane.  I loved every moment of Code Geass, even when I was picking my jaw up from the floor (about once an episode), or sobbing my eyes out.  I haven't been touched by an anime since...  Heh, Sailor Moon when I was in the fourth grade, now that I come to think about it, but Code Geass did for me.  I blame the faultless character design.'

Finally, I shall be cosplaying as Lelouch at some point in the near future.  I cannot resist being the man whose nickname is "Lulu."

cosplay, anime

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