Okay, having drunk a lot of coffee and taken a nap...

Nov 13, 2010 13:42

Right.  Hopefully this will be a more pleasant post.


I made the terrbile, terrile mistake of going toDistinctive Fabrics to "browse fabric" to see what I should be looking for to make the mighty Elisabeth costumes.  As a result, I saw fabric.  If you've ever seen me in a place with fabric in it you know this is a bad idea.  I love fabric.  Every time I see my family someone brings me an old tablecloth or napkins or a rug (I'm not making this up; it's all true) because they know I'll take it.  This is why my room at home has no space for me.  IT'S FULL OF FABRIC BECAUSE I WILL ALWAYS TAKE FABRIC.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'LL USE IT FOR, BUT I'LL TAKE IT ANYWAY.  I'LL COME UP WITH SOMETHING.  I just love fabric.

And I went to an online fanric store.  Bad idea.

I didn't actually buy anything (but I will be looking for some of that sequined material for a kick-ass tailcoat and matching hat), but now I want to go buy fabric, dammit!  I didn't even order any swatches because I know it's better to just go to a store and feel up all the fabric, but damn I want to go fabric shopping now.

This is a problem.

Also, I've been looking for the perfect blue for my dress.  This is especially stupid because I don't have the red coat I'm trying to get my dress to go with yet.  HOORAY FOR MATCHING SOMETHING I'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE.

In all, I accomplished nothing but seeing a bunch of stuff I want because it is fabric.  I just felt I had to share this,

I refuse to stop using this icon.  I love this icon.  I will use it at the least opportunity.  Also I'm still just feeling a little, "Bitches!" about the world right now.  I'm still tired.

cosplay, rant

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