Claire: It's like this *taps head*

Mar 29, 2005 20:28

I was driving home today thinking (I do my best thinking in the shower or the car) and I realized a few things about myself.

1. I am hypocritical, and I'm even hypocritical about being hypocritical, I need to stop worrying about everyone else's and how they act and just focus on what I do wrong and how I can improve myself.

2. I am very judgemental. I pass judgements on people all the time, without even meaning to. I try to be very open, but I still judge people, and I need to try and judge less.

3. I worry too much. I just need to let loose. I especially have been worrying lately why people in 'the group' seem to not want to be around me anymore. But I just need to loosen up, because I think I am driving people crazy. I have tons of excuses and reasons for why I am so insecure, but it doesn't matter. I need to fix it.

4. I am a lazy procrastinator, seriously I am....and I need to stop, because I will have no one to blame but myself if I screw up my future.

....Yep, this was derived from an extra-long xanga entry lol.

Lol, I just bitched out a former friend. That was funny.

People have been reading my mind, even my dad, it's scary.



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