Oh some scholar, Oh some sailor

Jan 25, 2005 19:45

So my mom was in a really amiable mood, so I'm on the computer early! Yay!

I went to Alfys with TJ, we met up with Courtney and Pete there, God I missed her. She is such an awsome person. I <3 you Courtney!

I seriously had something I wanted to say, but I forgot....oh yah...actually I think I'll pull a Shavonne and not mention it in here. I'll just wait and tell the story tomorrow hehehe.

Here's a hint, if you REALLY want to know some stuff about me, read this quiz, because it's actually a really good one...

001) What time are you starting this?: 7:04 PM (wow I really am on early
002) Name?: Jessica Denise Johnson
003) Date of birth?: Jan. 2, 1988
004) Sex?: Female
005) Height?: 5'6" iIbelieve....
006) Eye color?: ugly shit brown
007) Weight?: 120
008) Location?: In my livingroom
009) Where were you born?: Olympia, WA
010) Have you ever failed a grade?: NO!
011) If you have, what grade did you fail?: um....none
012) Do you have crush on someone?: yes
013) Do you have a bf/gf?: yes
014) If so, what is their name: Taylor (TJ)
015) How long have you been together?: um....about a month and a half...I think...*counts on her fingers*
016) What are you wearing right now?: Red flying cow socks, blue jeans, green panties, pink bra, yellow t-shirt w/japanese writing
017) Would you have sex before marriage?: ....kinda already did...
018) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: no, well...he was a sub....
020) Do you smoke?: no
021) Do you drink?: water...and juice....and tea...I don't think that counts
022) Are you ghetto?: hell yes (just joking...)
023) Are you a player?: ...of card games....and halo 2
024) What are your favorite colors?: Purple and Pink
025) What is your favorite animal?: Cat
026) Do you have any birthmarks?: yes, one on my right knee, on inbetween my eyeborws (can't really see it anymore) and one on my finger
027) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: no...only been in girly fights and punched people
028) Who are your best friends? too many to count, Mykal, Shavonne, Alyssa, Heather, TJ, Claire, everyone else in the 'group' and lots more people in drama club and choir
029) Have you ever beat someone up? No
030) Who do you talk to most on the phone?: My dad probably
031) Have you ever been slapped?: Yes, by my mother actually...
032) Do you get online a lot?: Yes *sigh*
033) Are you shy or outgoing?: Outgoing...usually
034) Do you shower?: Um...yes
035) Do you hate school?: No, I actually like school I just hate homework
036) Do you have a social life?: Yes *dances* weeeee, I have a social life!!!
037) How easily do you trust people? Actually it depends entitrely on the person, if they open up to me, I open up to them, simple as that.
038) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: Probably
039) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: Yes
040) Would you ever sky dive?: Yes, actually, if only to concur my fear of heights
041) Do you like to dance?: Yes
068) Have you ever been out of state?: Yes
069) Do you like to travel?: Usually
070) Have you ever been expelled from school?: No
071) Have you ever been suspended from school?: No
071) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: I dunno, I'm actually kinda two sided about it...I really like Everett
072) Are you spoiled?: Yes, often, but I also know the value of things and appriciate what I have
073) Are you a brat?: Sometimes I can be...
074) Have you ever been dumped?: Yes *another sigh*
075) Have you ever gotten high?: Yes
076) What's your favorite drink?: Lol, I don't have one favorite drink, I have a 'drink of the moment' right now it is Oregon Chai Tea Latte stuff (darn you TJ for getting me hooked)
077) Do you like Snapple?: Depends on the flavor
078) Do you drink a lot of water?: When I'm thirsty :p
079) What toothpaste do you use?: Aquafresh
080) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: Phell Cone
081) Do you have a curfew?: Kinda....I guess...
082) Who do you look up to?: I dunno, I've never been able to figure that out...
083) Are you a role model?: I hope not...I'd be a crappy one I think....
085) What name brand do you wear the most? Um...the kind that makes clothes?
086) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: My ring always, sometimes a necklace or bracelets
087) What do you have pierced?: Ears
088) What do you want pierced?: Nothing else
089) Do you like taking pictures?: Yes
090) Do you like getting your picture taken?: Depends on who, when, and why
091) Do you have a tan?: No, but I tan really easily
092) Do you get annoyed easily?: Sometimes, not usually, but there are a few things that just annoy me no matter when
093) Have you ever started a rumor?: Probably
094) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: Does a cell count? Well i have my own phone number for our house phone...
095) Do you have your own pool?: Yes, only it's about a foot in diameter, and called the sink....
096) Do you have any siblings?: Yes, two step, and one half
097) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: um...boxer briefs?
098) Have you ever been played?: No..
099) Have you ever played anyone?: No
100) Do you get along with your parents?: Define 'get along' I 'coexist'
102) How do you vent your anger?: Music, Art, or Martial Arts
103) Have you ever run away?: Only for a couple hours...when i was 11
104) Have you ever been fired from a job?: No
105) Do you even have a job?: No
106) Do you daydream a lot?: Yes
107) Do you have a lot of sex?: No
108) Do you run your mouth?: *turns on mouth* like a faucett? I talk a lot, but I can keep a secret
109) What do you want a tattoo of?: Japanese characture (on the small of my back)
110) What do you have a tattoo of?: Nothing
111) What are your favorite flowers?: Lilacs and Daffodils of course ^_^
112) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: Um...most recent, Jake, He is kinda short, with black hair and dark blue eyes
113) What does your most recent crush look like?: A boy
114) Have you ever been bitched out?: Quite often
115) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: Yes
116) Are you rude? Not intentionally
117) What was the last compliment you received?: "I like you're hair"
118) Do you like getting dirty?: I hate mud, and dirt, and stuff that is sticky and yucky
119) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: Innie
120) Are you flexible?: Yes, I guess
121) What is your heritage?: Sweedish, Irish, Norwegian, Cherokee, Chinese, English, German, Dutch, Welsh, and um...other stuff in Eurpoe...
122) What is your lucky number?: Don't have a lucky number, but my favorite number is 14
123) What does your hair look like right now?: Short, brownish red, soft, slightly curly
124) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: I have been one for 4 and 1/2 years now (go me!)
125) When was your last real heartbreak?: Um...this summer I guess
126) Describe your looks?: Er...average height, average eyes, average weight, slightly shorther than average hair, average face, average body......urg, I hate being so average
127) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: Hmmmm, I like my haircolor now, maybe a little more red? nah, more brown? nah...I have no idea
128) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: 1 year at the most
129) Would you ever date someone older than you?: 4 years was my max
130) When was the last time you were drunk?: A long time ago, I don't even remember....
131) When was the last time you went on a date?: Today kinda, well maybe not technically, hmmm, when did we go see Phantom...? Whenever it was, that was it. This saturday didn't count for me
135) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: Yes
136) Do you have one now?: Yes, I like cheese too much
137) How many rings until you answer the phone?: Whenever I get to it
138) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: Yes
139) If yes, when was the last time?: Two summers ago
140) Do you look more like your mother or father?: My dad and I look a lot a like, but I look like my mom when she was my age.
141) Do you cry a lot?: No, not really, unless I'm having an overemotional time (of the month...)
142) Do you ever cry to get your way?: No
143) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: The second to the smallest toe
144) What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: "Yeah"
145) Are you the romantic type?: I guess not, well, I would like to be....I just am not much of an initiator
146) Have you ever been chased by cops?: Lol, every day, I just can't keep 'em away from me....
147) What do you like most about your body?: My legs
148) What do you like least about your body?: My smile
150) When was the last time you threw up?: October (when I had food poisoning)
151) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Doesn't matter
152) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: Black and dark blue guys Vans
153) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: Sometimes
154) What about cleavage?: Sometimes
155) Is your best friend a virgin?: Yes and no, too many best friends, my best best friend (Mykal) isn't
158) What color are your underwear right now?: Green
159) What theme does your room have?: Oriental...I guess
160) What size shoe do you wear?: anything from a 7 to a 9
161) What jewelry are you wearing now?: My onyx ring
162) What is your screen name on AIM?: Chibi Jess 14
163) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: If no one was looking
164) How are you feeling right now?: My shoulders and back are sore, and I'm slightly bored
165) When was the last time you were at a party?: New Years I guess
166) Have you ever given a lapdance?: Yes, but by a girl...it was a dare...
167) What do you sleep in?: Usually a t-shirt and panties
168) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Yes. Lots. Especially at my old school.
171) Would you marry for money?: No
172) What do you drive?: Green Cutlass Supreme
173) Have you ever given or received roadhead?: Er...no
174) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: Both, my parents are divorced
177) When was the last time you cried in school?: Elementry school, when i broke my finger.
179) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: Hell yes
180) What time are you finishing this?: 7: 43 PM
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