I'm starting to think that many people do not like dark fics and are all obsessed with the ever popular happily ever after
in the span of two days i recieved about 3-4 flames and one hate letter just because of my fics Time for Digimon and Dirty Little Secret. Now i don't really mind them, seriously i don't but what i don't understand is why people are so against the darker side of fanfiction?
The reason why these people flamed DLS is because they hate the way that Kagome cheats on Inuyasha and the whole Kouga thing, but what i find confusing is that i clearly stated that it would be an un-happy ending. So why is it that people are complaining about it when i clearly told them to stay away from it?
Look i liked da story but i thought u loved inu/kag fics?... I didnt like that story and i dont think u shuld call urself a inu/kag lover wen u really arent. It may be only 1 story but that story counts and no inu/kag lover wuld like it so u shuldnt have made us get our hopes up... So plz dont do that again, u can do watever u like but people wont like ur storys
Now this is what i find weird. Why is it that after one story where inu/kag don't end up together i am now considered not an inu/kag fan? That supposedly people will hate my stories now because of ths one fic? Really, this confuses me, and at the same time amuses me. So are writers now juged by what they write? If i write say...a Kik/Inu fic when i'm highly against it, does that make me a Kik/Inu advocate now?
For my Digimon fic, the person flamed me because it was Taiora -stupid reason but meh.
Seriously though, i don't know what the point of these flames were, i'm not going to stop writing angst fics just because a few people are against them. What i want to know is why people like this, people who are against angst, a specific pairing or dark fics would even read that fic in the first place when they don't like it?