Bleh Nothing really going on but School

Mar 10, 2009 16:03

School, thats about it.  I have a interview for my internship on Friday :3 for the summer.  And today I picked up my forum for my classes for next semester.  One more semester and I will finally be done. x.xlll then there's the real world.  I just want to hide, Im not ready forthis huge step or am I? o-o;; On the brighter side of things Senior gallery is in April (but the bad news to that is I wont be able to go to Sakura Matsuei like I did last year. ;.; ) and counthing Otakon is comming up in July :3 YAY!

Next week Twilight comes out on DVD, and Im going to Borders on friday for their little party thing :3 Hopfully Marie can come to owo that would be a fun weekend.  I want to also get Host club DVD 2nd box set and Mamotte Lollipop (Save Me Lollipop).  I should just make a wish list of anime/manga I want o-o then I can just check it off as I go along XD. 
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