(no subject)

Jun 25, 2008 00:37

Ok Yesterday, this lady wants cheese and she said

"Im going to watch you cut it cause I want it thin"  so Im thinking
 'ok I got it'

I cut it thin and I showed her and shes says

"Its to thick!!!"

and here its as thin as I can go.  If I go any thinner it will be shaved and we dont shave cheese so I went thiner and what do you know its shaved -_-
Then she sees Im having trouble cutting it thats thin and shes tells me I can go alittle thicker and so I do and it came back out to be the same size I showed her the first time and she says

"Its to thick!!! I dont want it that thick!!" Im thinking 
'god she wants it shaved?@ what the balls'

So I do it though Im not cause I dont want to start a scene. 
So she wants a pound
I get to .99 and she says

"THATS not a pound!!"

Im looking at her like you want me to add one more freaken peice so it will go over a pound?! so I add one more and its goes out to 1.02

I was waiting for her to say thats to much but she did not.  She took her cheese and walked away and didnt say thank you. And guess what she came back today asking for another pound shaved -_-. Yea this is what I have to put up with at work sometimes.  Lately ppl have been so rude to me or to my fellow co-workers. WE HUMAN BEINGS TO YOU KNOW!!!! So I ask you please be nice to your service deli clerks.  We work just as hard as you do at your jobs!
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