Dec 05, 2006 10:33
This morning I tried to come in to use the library, which is right inside the front door of the school, and this guy comes up and is like, "excuse me, where are you going?" in this hoity-toity voice.
So I say, "Library," and keep on walking because I was expecting Gabi, who I was also with, to explain where we were going to him and usually teachers and hall monitors will just let me go.
But he gets all defensive on me and says in this very indignant way to stop walking off when an adult is talking to me and then tells me, "you go through the OTHER doors. That's the rule."
WHAT rule? I never heard that rule. And it's a dumb rule, because coming through the other doors is a longer walk down the hall, and isn't the whole point of having hall monitors and stuff to make sure kids DON'T wander wround in the halls unnecessarily? But he wasn't an actual hall monitor anyway. :B And THEN he keeps on lecturing me about how I kept walking, and I just keep on saying okay, but he just keeps on talking for about a minute and a half about how truly awful I am.
I'd just like to point out that sometimes when a kid gets in trouble, it's the ADULT who's a drama queen about it. :|