Jun 20, 2005 14:00
I just got back from my orientation..it went pretty well but it lasted the whole mornning. I came in at 9 and left at 12:30. They just showed us a bunch of vistor service videos and some sexual harssment stuff..basic stuff really. I also had to get my ID for the zoo. They said if i show it to some places around the zoo like the Japanese friendship garden I'll be able to get in free.
I think the only thing i have to worry about is those angery vistors..X.X; I'm going to have to learn how to deal with those kinda people. I think there going to start me off in the Panda exibit...woo the pandas....! I'd rather work at Tiger exbit...I'm so happy about the pay I cant believe there giving me 8.15 a hr..They already started paying me today for the four hrs i was there. But my mom said not to expect a big frist check..but anything is a lot to me right now. ^^