Whoot. This. Was. A. Feat.
STATUS: Started sorting and taking photos on the 15th at around 3pm, paused around midnight. Picked it up again the next day around 8pm. Finished the tin and stopped. Missing two tins to finish listing everything and after that, photo times. Pick it up again on the 19th at 10:30am. Finished the list at 2:01pm. Now it's time for photos. Whoot! All the photos are up! Bring it!
☆PKMN Collectors sales permission granted on 09/03/11 by dakajojo (All community rules apply.)
☆Holds: I will hold for up to a week. :3 I'm very reasonable with this so long as you commit to buy the item. Backing out from sales will result in a negative.
☆Shipping: I will pretty much ship from Puerto Rico (USA) to anywhere. :3
☆All things come from a CAT-friendly house. So if you're allergic, please keep this in mind. While they don't get too close to the things, they do shed so... better to be safe than sorry.
☆Prices are all in USD. Prices do not include shipping or fees. Shipping for TCGs it's $1 (up to 25 cards!!! $1.50 up to 40, etc).
☆I am not responsible for any lost or damaged packages and cannot provide a refund. I would be happy to have the package insured and/or tracked if you are worried about risk.
☆I reserve the right to refuse sale for any reason. I will also refuse sale to anyone banned from the PKMN Collector's Community.
☆I will not do transactions via PM. Please only comment here.
☆I do trades! Feel free to ask me. I will be updating my wants list (spreadsheet) once I'm done posting every card.
☆Please pay within 24 hours of completed transaction. That way I can ship your item as soon as possible. As logic states, I will not ship unless you've paid.
Also, please reply before 24 hours of any inquiry. Please be mindful of others that may want that item as well. If you take longer than that, I will delete the thread and offer the items to the next person that asked for them. If you just need more time, or are not sure, let me know instead of leaving me hanging for days without any replies.
☆☆☆ FOR THIS PARTICULAR SALES POST, I'VE POSTED ALL OF MY EXTRA CARDS. ALL OF THEM. PICK WHAT YOU WANT AND THROW ME AN OFFER. Every offer starts from $1 up. Please be reasonable with the offers tho (like, don't ask for 10 holos/reverse holos for a dollar).
They're in order of set starting with Promos and Trainer Kits, Base set 2, then Base set, Jungle, Fossil, etc etc, up until Emerging Powers. :D The number in the parenthesis is their card number (in the set). I have trainer cards. I'm still not sure if I'll post them up or not, but if you need any, just let me know what card from what set. :3
Enough rules! Let's get to the cards!
Their conditions vary from noticeably used to near mint. Older sets are more used than newer sets. If there's anything noticeably bad about it, it shall be noticed (if I noticed while making the list :x).
Mew - Wizard's promo (8) x86 (D: take them awayyyyy)
Misdreavus - Wizard's promo (39) x1
Munna (7) - McDonald's promo x1 ON HOLD
Turtwig (17) - POP 9 x3
-Plusle Trainer kit-
Beldum (1) x1 ON HOLD
Electrike (2) x2 both ON HOLD
Spoink (7) x2 one ON HOLD
-Minun Trainer kit-
Charmander (2) x1 ON HOLD
Charmeleon (3) x1 ON HOLD
Growlithe (4) x1 ON HOLD
Mareep (5) x1 ON HOLD
Vulpix (7) x2 one ON HOLD
-Latios trainer kit-
Linoone (3) x1 ON HOLD
-Base set 2-
Poliwrath (15) x1 (holo)
Kangaskhan (26) x1
Victreebel (32) x1
Arcanine (33) x3
Butterfree (34) x1
Dewgong (36) x2
Dodrio (37) x1
Dratini (38) x1
-Base set 2-
Exeggutor (39) x1
Farfetch'd (40) x3
Haunter (43) x1
Ivysaur (44) x2
Jynx (45) x4
Kadabra (46) x3
Kakuna (47) x1
Lickitung (48) x1
-Base set 2-
Machoke (49) x1
Magikarp (50) x3
Marowak (52) x1
Parasect (55) x2
Persian (56) x1
Poliwhirl (57) x2
Rhydon (59) x1
Seaking (60) x3
-Base set 2-
Seel (61) x4
Wartotle (63) x1
Abra (65) x3
Bellsprout (66) x1
Bulbasaur (67) x1
Caterpie (68) x2
Charmander (69) x1
Cubone (70) x1
-Base set 2-
Diglett (71) x3
Drowzee (73) x4
Exeggcute (74) x1
Gastly (75) x1
Goldeen (76) x2
Jigglypuff (77) x1 (has a bit of a crease on the top left corner)
Machop (78) x1
Magnemite (79) x1
-Base set 2-
Meowth (80) x1
Nidoran male (83) x2
Onix (84) x1
Paras (85) x4
Pidgey (86) x1
Rattata (89) x2
Rhyhorn (90) x2
Sandshrew (91) x1
-Base set 2-
Spearow (92) x2
Squirtle (93) x7
Starmie (94) x3
Staryu (95) x1
Tangela (96) x6
Venonat (97) x2
Voltorb (98) x1
Vulpix (99) x1
-Base set 2-
Weedle (100) x9
-Base set-
Alakazam (1) x1
Hitmonchan (7) x1
Machamp (8) x1 (1st edition)
Poliwrath (13) x1
Beedrill (17) x1 (shadowless)
Dragonair (18) x1
Dugtrio (19) x1 (shadowless)
-Base set-
Electrode (21) x2
Pidgeotto (22) x1
Arcanine (23) x1
Charmeleon (24) x11 (one is shadowless)
Dewgong (25) x5 (two have creases, one has an indentation, and one is shadowless)
Farfetch'd (27) x3 (one is shadowless)
Growlithe (28) x6
Haunter (29) x4 (one is shadowless)
-Base set-
Ivysaur (30) x3 (one is shadowless)
Jynx (31) x4 (one is shadowless)
Kadabra (32) x8 (two are shadowless)
Kakuna (33) x6 (one is shadowless)
Machoke (34) x2 (one is shadowless)
Magikarp (35) x5
Magmar (36) x1
Nidorino (37) x4 (one is shadowless)
-Base set-
Poliwhirl (38) x5 (one is shadowless)
Porygon (39) x2
Raticate (40) x7
Seel (41) x5 (one is shadowless)
Wartortle (42) x5 (one is shadowless)
Abra (43) x8 (one is shadowless)
Bulbasaur (44) x10 (one is shadowless)
Caterpie (45) x9
-Base set-
Charmander (46) x13
Diglett (47) x5
Doduo (48) x3 (one is shadowless)
Drowzee (49) x3
Gastly (50) x4
Koffing (51) x7 (one is shadowless)
Machop (52) x12 (one is shadowless)
Magnemite (53) x9 (one is shadowless)
-Base set-
Metapod (54) x4 (one is shadowless)
Nidoran male (55) x11 (one is shadowless)
Onix (56) x8 (two are shadowless)
Pidgey (57) x5 (one is shadowless)
Pikachu (58) x4 (two are shadowless)
Poliwag (59) x11 (one is shadowless)
Ponyta (60) x6 (one is shadowless)
Rattata (61) x5
-Base set-
Sandshrew (62) x9
Squirtle (63) x3 (one is shadowless)
Starmie (64) x6 (one is shadowless)
Staryu (65) x10 (one is shadowless)
Tangela (66) x4 (one is shadowless)
Voltorb (67) x3
Vulpix (68) x12 (one is shadowless)
Weedle (69) x14
-Jungle set-
Mr. Mime (22) x1
Scyther (26) x1
Butterfree (33) x5
Dodrio (34) x3
Exeggutor (35) x3
Fearow (36) x6
Gloom (37) x8
Lickitung (38) x3
-Jungle set-
Marowak (39) x3
Nidorina (40) x7
Parasect (41) x4
Persian (42) x4
Primeape (43) x1
Rapidash (44) x2
Rhydon (45) x5
Seaking (46) x6
-Jungle set-
Tauros (47) x4
Weepingbell (48) x10
Bellsprout (49) x13
Cubone (50) x5
Eevee (51) x6
Exeggcute (52) x14
Goldeen (53) x13
Jigglypuff (54) x3
-Jungle set-
Mankey (55) x13
Meowth (56) x10
Nidoran female (57) x12
Oddish (58) x10
Paras (59) x10
Pikachu (60) x6 x4
Rhydorn (61) x8
Spearow (62) x6
-Jungle set-
Venonat (63) x13
-Fossil set-
Zapdos (15) x1 (holo)
Haunter (21) x3
Hitmonlee (22) x1
Hypno (23) x1
Kabutops (24) x1
Arbok (31) x7
Cloyster (32) x7
-Fossil set-
Gastly (33) x4
Golbat (34) x5
Golduck (35) x4
Golem (36) x2
Graveler (37) x4
Kingler (38) x3
Magmar (39) x8
Omastar (40) x4
-Fossil set-
Sandslash (41) x6
Seadra (42) x7
Slowbro (43) x4
Tentacruel (44) x4
Weezing (45) x6
Ekans (46) x10
Geodude (47) x8
Grimer (48) x11
-Fossil set-
Horsea (49) x14
Kabuto (50) x9
Krabby (51) x7
Omanyte (52) x14
Psyduck (53) x10
Shellder (54) x11
Slowpoke (55) x11
Tentacool (56) x9
-Fossil set-
Zubat (57) x10
-Rocket set-
Dark Arbok (19) x2
Dark Electrode (34) x1
Dark Gloom (36) x4 x3
Dark Golduck (37) x1
Dark Kadabra (38) x3 x2
Dark Machoke (40) x1 (1st ed)
Dark Muk (41) x2 x1
-Rocket set-
Dark Persian (42) x1
Dark Primeape (43) x1
Dark Vaporeon (45) x1
Dark Wartortle (46) x4 x3
Magikarp (47) x2
Porygon (48) x2
Abra (49) x5
Charmander (50) x4 x3
-Rocket set-
Dark Raticate (51) x1 (1st ed)
Diglett (52) x2 x1 (1st ed)
Drowzee (54) x6
Eevee (55) x1
Ekans (56) x5
Grimer (57) x7
Koffing (58) x9
Machop (59) x3
-Rocket set-
Magnemite (60) x3
Mankey (61) x3 x2
Meowth (62) x3 x2
Oddish (63) x14
Ponyta (64) x2 x1
Psyduck (65) x3 (one is 1st ed)
Slowpoke (67) x5 x4 (one is 1st ed)
Squirtle (68) x5
-Rocket set-
Voltorb (69) x5 (one is 1st ed)
Zubat (70) x6
-Gym Heroes set-
Brock's Golbat (39) x2
Erika's Exeggutor (44) x1
Erika's Gloom (46) x1
Erika's Weepinbell (48) x1
Erika's Weepinbell (49) x1
Lt. Surge's Raticate (51) x1
-Gym Heroes set-
Misty's Poliwhirl (53) x1
Misty's Psyduck (54) x1
Misty's Starmie (56) x1
Misty's Tentacool (57) x1
Blaine's Growlithe (62) x2 x1
Brock's Geodude (66) x2 x1
Brock's Mankey (67) x1
Brock's Onix (69) x1
-Gym Heroes set-
Brock's Rhyhorn (70) x1
Brock's Sandshrew (71) x1
Brock's Zubat (74) x2
Erika's Bellsprout (75) x1
Erika's Bellsprout (76) x1
Erika's Exeggcute (77) x2
Erika's Oddish (78) x3 x2
Erika's Tangela (79) x1
-Gym Heroes set-
Lt. Surge's Magnemite (80) x3 x2
Lt. Surge's Rattata (82) x1
Lt. Surge's Voltorb (84) x2 x1
Misty's Goldeen (85) x1
Misty's Horsea (86) x4 x3
Misty's Poliwag (87) x2 x1
Misty's Staryu (90) x2 x1
Sabrina's Venonat (96) x1
-Gym Challenge set-
Koga's Beedrill (9) x2 x1 (holo)
Blaine's Charmeleon (31) x3 x2
Blaine's Dodrio (32) x1
Blaine's Rapidash (33) x3 x2
Brock's Primeape (35) x1
Erika's Bulbasaur (39) x1
Giovanni's Machoke (42) x3 x2
Giovanni's Nidorino (45) x4 x3
-Gym Challenge set-
Koga's Kakuna (47) x1
Koga's Koffing (48) x3
Koga's Weezing (50) x1
Sabrina's Kadabra (58) x1
Blaine's Charmander (60) x4 x3
Blaine's Doduo (61) x3 x2
Blaine's Growlithe (62) x3
Blaine's Mankey (63) x1
-Gym Challenge set-
Blaine's Ponyta (64) x3 x2
Blaine's Vulpix (66) x2 x1
Brock's Diglett (67) x1
Brock's Geodude (68) x1
Erika's Oddish (70) x5 x4
Erika's Paras (71) x1
Giovanni's Machop (72) x4 x3
Giovanni's Magikarp (73) x1
-Gym Challenge set-
Giovanni's Meowth (74) x4 x3
Giovanni's Nidoran female (75) x2 x1
Giovanni's Nidoran male (76) x2 x1
Koga's Ekans (77) x6 x5
Koga's Grimer (78) x3 x2
Koga's Koffing (79) x5 x4
Koga's Pidgey (80) x1
Koga's Tangela (81) x1 (I find it hilarious how tangela is braiding jynx's hair XD)
-Gym Challenge set-
Koga's Weedle (82) x6 x5
Koga's Zubat (83) x2 x1
Lt. Surge's Voltorb (86) x2 x1
Misty's Horsea (87) x3 x2
Misty's Magikarp (88) x4 x3
Misty's Poliwag (89) x1
Misty's Psyduck (90) x1
Misty's Seel (91) x4 x3
-Gym Challenge set-
Sabrina's Drowzee (95) x2 x1
-Neo Destiny set-
Magmar (40) x1
Xatu (52) x1
Chikorita (54) x1
Chinchou (55) x1
Girafarig (58) x1
Gligar (59) x1
Hoppip (61) x2 x1
-Neo Destiny set-
Ledyba (63) x1
Mantine (64) x2 x1
Mareep (65) x1
Marill (66) x1
Natu (67) x1
Oddish (68) x6 x5
Onix (69) x2 x1
Slowpoke (73) x4 x3
-Neo Destiny set-
Snubbull (74) x3
Stantler (76) x3 x2
Sunkern (76) x1
Swinub (79) x5 x4
Totodile (81) x1
Wooper (82) x1
-Neo Discovery set-
Ursaring (34) x1
Metapod (42) x1
-Neo Discovery set-
Kabuto (56) x1
Tyrogue (66) x1
-Expedition set-
Chansey (72) x2
Clefairy (101) x3
Hoppip (112) x2
Mareep (119) x2
Meowth (121) x4
-EX Ruby & Sapphire-
Goldeen (55) x2
-EX Ruby & Sapphire-
Numel (61) x1
Torchic (73) x1
-EX Dragon-
Pineco (71) x1
-EX Hidden Legends-
Clamperl (58) x1 (has a bit of a crease on the lower right corner)
Meditite (65) x1
Spheal (74) x1
-EX FireRed & LeafGreen-
Pidgey (73) x1
-EX Deoxys-
Wingull (81) x2
-EX Legend Maker-
Aron (48) x1
Clamperl (51) x2
Magby (58) x3
Omanyte (60) x1
Tentacool (66) x1
Trapinch (67) x2
Wailmer (69) x1
-EX Holon Phantom-
Barboach (60) x2
-EX Holon Phantom-
Electrike (64) x2
Exeggcute (65) x1
Magikarp (69) x1
Numel (72) x1
Oddish (73) x1
Omanyte (74) x1
Surskit (82) x1
-EX Crystal Guardians-
Medicham (25) x1
-EX Crystal Guardians-
Marshtomp (38) x1
Wartortle (43) x1
Lotad (55) x2
Mudkip (58) x2
Wingull (70) x2
-EX Dragon Frontier-
Jynx (17) x1
Smeargle (39) x1
Chikorita (44) x1
-EX Dragon Frontier-
Horsea (50) x2
Larvitar (51) x1
Pupitar (58) x1
Swablu (65) x2
Taillow (66) x1
Wooper (71) x1
-EX Power Keepers-
Kirlia (31) x1
Medicham (34) x1
-EX Power Keepers-
Bagon (43) x1
Charmander (48) x2
Duskull (50) x1
Meditite (55) x3
Poochyena (58) x1
Skitty (62) x4
Spheal (65) x1
Torchic (67) x4
-EX Power Keepers-
Vulpix (69) x1
Wynaut (70) x3
-Diamond & Pearl-
Buizel (72) x1
Goldeen (84) x1 (has a bit of a crease on the lower left corner)
Hoothoot (85) x1
Magnemite (87) x1
Shinx (98) x1
-Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures-
Chingling (42) x1
-Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures-
Cranidos (43) x1
Dodrio (46) x1
Graveler (51) x2
Masquerain (55) x2
Sealeo (62) x2
Barboach (72) x1
Bronzor (74) x3
Doduo (80) x3
-Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures-
Geodude (84) x7
Kricketot (86) x2 x1
Spheal (102) x3
Spinarak (103) x7
Surskit (104) x5
-Diamond & Pearl: Secret Wonders-
Entei (4) x1 (holo)
Pidgeot (35) x1
Diglett (85) x1
-Diamond & Pearl: Great Encounters-
Psyduck (100) x1
Houndour (69) x1
-Diamond & Pearl: Majestic Dawn-
Mothim (42) x1
Eevee (63) x3
Electrike (64) x3
Pikachu (70) x4 x2
Piplup (71) x3
Shellos (east sea) (73) x2
-Diamond & Pearl: Legends Awaken-
Oddish (111) x1
Poochyena (116) x1
Skitty (119) x1
Spoink (121) x1
-Diamond & Pearl: Stormfront-
Budew (33) x1
Dusclops (34) x2
Grovyle (39) x1
Haunter (40) x1
-Diamond & Pearl: Stormfront-
Pupitar (47) x1
Staravia (52) x2
Bagon (53) x1
Budew (54) x6 (one is reverse holo)
Bronzor (55) x1
Duskull (60) x1
Finneon (61) x2
Machop (64) x1
-Diamond & Pearl: Stormfront-
Magnemite (64) x1
Magnemite (67) x1
Skorupi (73) x1
Stunky (76) x2
Swinub (77) x2
Snover (74) x1
Tangela (78) x1
Treecko (79) x2
-Diamond & Pearl: Stormfront-
Voltorb (80) x1
Bronzong (41) x2
Cascoon (44) x1
Flaaffy (48) x1
Grotle (49) x1
Kirlia (51) x1
Wartortle (65) x1
Cacnea (67) x1
Carnivine (68) x2
Chimchar (70) x1
Combee (71) x2
Diglett (72) x2
Dunsparce (73) x1
Electrike (74) x2
Grimer (75) x3
Kricketot (78) x1
Lotad (81) x1
Mareep (82) x1
Misdreavus (83) x3
Nosepass (84) x2
Psyduck (87) x1
Purugly (88) x2
Ralts (89) x4
Skitty (93) x2
Skuntank (94) x2
[there's a skitty that escaped me XD]
Slakoth (95) x1
Swablu (97) x1
Tauros (98) x1
Torkoal (100) x1
Turtwig (101) x2
-Platinum: Rising Rivals-
Gallade (20) x1
-Platinum: Rising Rivals-
Hippowdown (25) x1
Machamp (46) x1
Rapidash (47) x1 (reverse holo)
Scizor (48) x1
Starmie (50) x1
Steelix (51) x1
Tropius (52) x1
Aron (57) x4
-Platinum: Rising Rivals-
Carvanha (58) x3
Flareon (60) x1
Gliscor (62) x1
Houndoom (65) x3 x2
Kakuna (66) x2
Kecleon (67) x1
Koffing (68) x1
Munchlax (69) x1
-Platinum: Rising Rivals-
Munchlax (70) x3
Nidoran female (71) x2
Nidorino (74) x1
Shellos (east sea) (79) x1
Shellow (west sea) (80) x4
Spheal (82) x5
Staryu (83) x4
Turtwig (85) x3
-Platinum: Rising Rivals-
Weezing (87) x3
-Platinum: Supreme Victors-
Primeape (39) x1
Arcanine (50) x1
Breelom (52) x4
Masquerain (68) x2
Rhydon (80) x1
Bidoof (91) x1
Chatot (95) x1
-Platinum: Supreme Victors-
Cherubi (96) x2 x1
Chimchar (97) x1
Combee (99) x1
Corphish (100) x1
Drifloon (103) x1
Gible (106) x1
Growlithe (108) x1
Kricketot (109) x1
-Platinum: Supreme Victors-
Magnemite (111) x4
Meditite (113) x2
Meowth (114) x3 (one is reverse holo)
Mudkip (116) x2
Nincada (117) x1
Pachirisu (118) x1
Piplup (121) x1
Roselia (123) x2
-Platinum: Supreme Victors-
Sandshrew (124) x1
Shinx (126) x1
Starly (129) x2
Turtwig (131) x2
Zubat (133) x2
-Platinum: Arceus-
Bronzor (34) x1
Haunter (41) x1
Pelipper (45) x2
-Platinum: Arceus-
Wormadam (51) x2
Bagon (52) x1
Burmy (57) x1
Charmander (59) x1
Cherubi (60) x1
Electrike (63) x2
Makuhita (68) x2
Nosepass (69) x1
-Platinum: Arceus-
Snorut (75) x1
Wingull (80) x2
Wingull (81) x1
-HeartGold & SoulSilver-
Ariados (15) x1
Cleffa (17) x1
Exeggutor (18) x1
Persian (27) x1
Blissey (36) x2
-HeartGold & SoulSilver-
Corsola (37) x2
Delibird (39) x2
Dunsparce (41) x1
Flaaffy (42) x3
Parasect (48) x1
Quilava (49) x1
Chansey (58) x2
Chikorita (59) x5
-HeartGold & SoulSilver-
Drowzee (62) x3
Exeggcute (63) x6
Girafarig (64) x6
Hoothoot (66) x3
Hoppip (67) x4
Jigglypuff (68) x2
Jynx (69) x2
Magikarp (72) x3
-HeartGold & SoulSilver-
Mareep (73) x4
Marill (74) x2
Paras (76) x5
Phanpy (77) x3
Sandshrew (79) x2
Sentret (80) x2
Spinarak (83) x5
Staryu (84) x3
-HGSS: Unleashed-
Fearow (15) x1
Floatzel (16) x1
Torkoal (25) x1
Ursaring (27) x1
Golbat (30) x1
Grotle (31) x1
Kakuna (32) x3
Metang (33) x1
-HGSS: Unleashed-
Minun (34) x1
Numel (35) x2
Pupitar (38) x2
Pupitar (39) x1
Seadra (40) x1
Tauros (41) x1
Aipom (43) x4
Beldum (44) x3
-HGSS: Unleashed-
Buizel (45) x1
Carnivine (46) x3
Cherubi (47) x1
Horsea (49) x1
Larvitar (50) x3
Larvitar (51) x4
Magmar (52) x1
Mankey (53) x3
-HGSS: Unleashed-
Natu (55) x2
Onix (56) x3
Onix (57) x2
Remoraid (59) x2
Roselia (61) x1
Spearow (62) x2
Squirtle (63) x3
Stantler (64) x4
-HGSS: Unleashed-
Teddiursa (65) x2 x1
Turtwig (67) x3
Vulpix (69) x4 x3
Zubat (70) x2
-HGSS: Undaunted-
Bellossom (1) x2 (both are holos)
Vileplume (24) x1
Muk (31) x3 (one is reverse holos)
Raticate (34) x6 (one is reverse holos)
-HGSS: Undaunted-
Sableye (35) x5
Scyther (36) x3
Skuntank (37) x2
Slowbro (38) x1
Togetic (39) x4
Aron (42) x3
Beldum (43) x7 (one is reverse holo)
Combee (44) x2
-HGSS: Undaunted-
Doduo (45) x7
Eevee (47) x2
Eevee (48) x3
Gligar (49) x4
Hitmonchan (51) x1
Houndour (53) x1
Houndour (54) x3
Makuhita (55) x1
-HGSS: Undaunted-
Mawile (56) x3 (the most awesome mawile card in existence XD)
Misdreavus (57) x5
Murkrow (58) x3
Oddish (60) x2
Pikachu (61) x2 x1
Pineco (62) x4
Pineco (63) x4
Rattata (64) x3
-HGSS: Undaunted-
Slowpoke (66) x3
Stunky (69) x2
Togepi (70) x4
-HGSS: Triumphant-
Kangaskhan (36) x1
Lairon (37) x2
Marowak (44) x1
Nidorino (46) x1
Wailmer (52) x3
-HGSS: Triumphant-
Aipom (55) x1
Aron (56) x3
Bellsprout (57) x6
Bronzor (58) x1
Cubone (60) x1
Diglett (61) x4
Gastly (63) x1
Lickitung (66) x3
-HGSS: Triumphant-
Machop (67) x1
Magnemite (68) x1
Nidoran male (70) x1
Pidgey (71) x1
Porygon (73) x3
Psyduck (74) x3
Shuppet (75) x1
Spoink (77) x1
-HGSS: Triumphant-
Swablu (78) x3
Swinub (79) x3
Voltorb (83) x5
Yanma (84) x1
-Call of Legends-
Slowking (32) x1
Typhlosion (35) x1
Bayleef (40) x1
Croconaw (41) x2
-Call of Legends-
Donphan (42) x1
Flareon (44) x1
Jolteon (45) x1
Magby (46) x1
Mime Jr. (47) x3 x2
Pidgeotto (48) x2
Quilava (49) x2
Seviper (51) x4 x3
-Call of Legends-
Vaporeon (52) x2
Chikorita (53) x4
Clefairy (54) x4
Cyndaquil (55) x1
Hitmonchan (57) x5
Hitmonlee (58) x3
Houndour (59) x6
Koffing (60) x3
-Call of Legends-
Magikarp (61) x5
Magmar (62) x3
Mareep (63) x4
Mawile (64) x3
Misdreavus (65) x4
Phanpy (66) x5
Pidgey (67) x2
Relicanth (69) x4 (one is reverse holo)
-Call of Legends-
Slowpoke (70) x6
Snubull (71) x4
Teddiursa (73) x4
Totodile (74) x5
Vulpix (75) x3 x2
-Black and White-
Snivy (1) x2
Snivy (2) x2
Pansage (7) x6
-Black and White-
Simisage (8) x1
Petilil (9) x3
Maractus (11) x1
Deerling (13) x2
Sawsbuck (14) x1
Tepig (15) x3
Tepig (16) x5
Pignite (17) x1
-Black and White-
Pansear (21) x4
Simisear (22) x2
Darumaka (23) x4
Darumaka (24) x2
Oshawott (27) x2
Oshawott (28) x3
Simipour (34) x2
Basculin (35) x4
-Black and White-
Ducklett (36) x3
Swanna (37) x1
Alomomola (38) x2
Blitzle (40) x1
Blitzle (41) x4
Zebstrika (42) x2
Joltik (44) x4
Joltik (45) x2
-Black and White-
Zekrom (47) x1 (holo)
Munna (48) x3
Musharna (49) x1
Woobat (50) x7
Swoobat (51) x1
Venipede (52) x2
Whirlipede (53) x3
Solosis (55) x6
-Black and White-
Duosion (56) x4
Timburr (58) x4
Timburr (59) x1
Gurdurr (60) x1
Sawk (62) x2
Sandile (63) x9
Krokorok (64) x1
Purrloin (66) x7
-Black and White-
Liepard (67) x2
Scraggy (68) x2
Scrafty (69) x3
Zorua (70) x4
Vullaby (72) x1
Mandibuzz (73) x1
Klink (74) x6 (one is reverse holo)
Klang (75) x4
-Black and White-
Patrat (77) x5
Patrat (78) x8
Lillipup (80) x4 x3
Lillipup (81) x6 x5
Pidove (84) x5
Audino (87) x3
Minccino (88) x1
Bouffalant (90) x2
-Black and White: Emerging Powers-
Pansage x6
Sewaddle x4
Swadloon x4
Leavanny x1
Cottonee x3
Whimsicott x3
Petilil x5
Deerling x6
-Black and White: Emerging Powers-
Darmanitan x1
Panpour x2
Basculin x3
Ducklett x2
Cubchoo x3
Galvantula x1
Thundurus x2 (one is ON HOLD)
Gothorita x3 (one is reverse holo)
-Black and White: Emerging Powers-
Gothielle x2 (both are "reverse holos") Traded
Roggenrola x1
Boldore x2
Drillbur x3
Sawk x4
Krokorok x1
Purrloin x3
Ferroseed x4
-Black and White: Emerging Powers-
Ferrothorn x1
Klink x3
Klang x2
Pidove x5
Tranquill x4
Audino x2
Minccino x6
Cincinno x3 (regular) x1 (reverse holo)
-Black and White: Emerging Powers-
Rufflet x4
Cheren x1 (ON HOLD)
Greatball x5
Pokemon Catcher x2 Traded
Lastly, these are up for regular offers (meaning the rules of the blowout sale doesn't apply XD sorry):
Also, these are up for offers. They have NOT been used. There are 11 regulars and 3 "specials". You can put in an offer for any number of cards from one to all 14. I can ship them out if you want to, but right now I'm offering just sending you a PM with the codes. :3
Feel free to shoot me an offer on this. Nothing lower than $2 each tho. :<.