I decided to move my TCG wants. lol
If you want the list for the plushie wants, click here:
http://chibi-flare.livejournal.com/145259.htmlWarning, it's image heavy.
TCG wants (UPDATED! 7/29/11):
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0At2tWeMUHX1ldENzLWVhWjRZeE1FLU14SC1vQzF2REE&hl=en And for trades/future sales:
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0At2tWeMUHX1ldHlNa0pwb2duTG5LQlJNQ3V6N21YVHc&hl=en (warning: this is EXTREMELY OUTDATED. If you're at all interested just drop me a note or a comment with what you'd like and I'll look them up and let you know.)
>_> I'm bored of the spreadsheet so list below (of the ones I'm missing).
Basic prices (for selling/buying):
Common - $.10
Uncommon - $.25
Rares/Holos/populars - $.50+
Promos: contact me with what you have (this includes wizard's black star promo, nintendo's black star promo, southern islands set, plusle/minun/latios/latias set, legendary set, POP sets, etc).