Jan 10, 2007 14:15
so...i don't know when i'm supposed to get a phone call that will decide my next, oh, six years of life. i'm waiting fof the U of M to call me and ask me to come in for an interview. scary stuff.
naturally, i'm responding to this by....avoiding doing anything productive. seriously. i've lost my drive to do anything remotely productive at all. part of it is this damn job search. i'm feeling very invisible lately, and it's scaring me into generalizing my lack of success in job hunting to EVERYTHING ELSE. like grad school.
my brain says, "if you can't even get company #1 to even look at your resume, then why will the grad school do it?"
the pookie keeps me sane.
but she has come up with what i'm calling "In Through The Back Door: Lisa's Plan B"
basically, i'm going to get the Ph.D (or an M.A., i dunno yet) in philosophy first, since...well, it's frankly easier to get into a philosophy program then a neuro program.
granted the elitist in me keeps whining that Philosophy is less cool sounding then Neuroscience.
I'm telling my brain to shut up.
also, there is * gasp! * more than ONE FUCKING SCHOOL that has a decent program in the state of MN. so i can apply to lots of schools.
I looked at the U of M's programs. it's got an area of study
for....the mind and psychology
Hot Damn.
And they have the same stipend deal thing that the Neuro folks have. so....if i get in to the Neuroscience school, SWEET FUCKING JEEZUS AWESOME.
if i don't....i'll apply to the philosophy school. and a bunch more philosphy schools. and then some more of them till somebody lets me in. though if they don't have the stipend thing, i'll probably just apply for the MA prgrams, and re-apply for the Nuero PhD when i have a masters degree. i'm going CRAZY not doing anything more productive than my crappy job. i want to get back into a classroom and write papers and talk with crazy ass professors and actually get my writing mojo back. which only seems to come out when i'm being forced to think hard about stuff i wouldn't look up on my own.
yeah. pookie rocks. This way i get to stay in MN, and not go crazy with the rejection. yay!