go here and add your voice to the cry for a neato toph figure! tell mattell and nick and viacom that katara is awesome and needs to be on your book shelf! Explain that you want to hang Yue from the top of your room so you can have a moon spirit watching over you! Completists! you need to round out your colection of the Aang gang!
do it now. i wanna toph figure. and they haven't made one and have no plans yet to make one. there might be a katara figure coming out, but I haven't seen her yet, and that was the result of the first time this petition went out. tho, according to the petition makers--this is not enough! one katara does not round out the 5 diferent (some who have not appeared in the show) Aangs. or the fact that Roku has an action figure, but none of the girls yet.
c'mooon. you know you wanna sign it. toph needs to guard my book shelf. NEEDS TO.