Odd Odd Dreams

Feb 02, 2007 00:28

well this post is a bit odd..

In this path and by the way my dreams have been becoming.. Im guessin my path is to be a seer. I look forward to it and will try my best none the less. but at times It has scared me to see whats to come for me. Im going into this blindly since I don't know the actions I do are the cause of whats to come. never much thought that fate existed but with the many dejavu dreams I have or the ones with certain symbols that seem true enouph but somethins egging me to look at them more closely. The problem is that Im in a frantic worry over them, thinking that anything I do is gonna cause the dream to pass. example of 1 dream I had was actually last nights, I really couldn't remember much of the beginning but at the end I remember walkin down a alley durring the evening. the clouds were dusking a nice shade of red, orange and purple. a few moments later a Bird flies above us.. (the us being that I was with someone but I don't recognize.. well this bird was gliding in a circular pattern above our head.. it was hard to make out the kind of bird since it was silloueted in the sky, so it looked to be black but the shape was very disturbing. I know I know that im worrying.. its just somethin I grew up with and I can't seem to shrug it off. so yeah hehehe a new and exciting life is waiting for me on this journey and I have my doubts that I'll make it, but surely not gonna throw in the towel yet. hehehehe so I guess im in it for the long run and will do my best to make my life have meanin in this and the magical world.
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