Nov 01, 2006 17:13
I've finaly and gladly taken the road of Paganism into my life and will from a year and a day, study any teachings upon the manner. I have books, mentors and the goddess to guide me through it. When after that time, I will be in Oklahoma again to finaly devote myself upon the path I chose. There will be trials from family, friends, strangers but as a friend put it.. " The goddess wouldn't have layed a path for me that I could not follow". I must be strong and yet kind hearted to those that don't understand.
I will most surely change as a person and hopefully for the better. I don't know why I take this path aside from that I know theres more to us than the physical and mental (so to speak). I relised the human spirit can be more and I tend to learn it with a open mind and a hungry heart. So Blessed Be and I shall write in here surely soon.