people who are up themselves...

Mar 15, 2010 19:14

they really tick me off.
I'm talking about those people who start out by sounding/believing that they know everything about a subject.

Anyone who actually knows ANYTHING realises that you never stop learning and things constantly evolve, and personal perspective doesn't mean squat in actual information on a subject.

it's amazing that people post things that make them sound like they have their head stuck up their arse and then wonder why people go WTF? at them...

anyhow enough guff...
i have another commish!
from the lovely wren on brassgoggles. an unusual shaped skirt with underlining in cream muslin, 3 layers of the stuff and an overlayer of chocolate brown...i also have ideas for the back drapery. it's going to be lovely :D

now i just need to learn a few more airbrushing techniques before i can paint on cogs and things to give extra depth to the design.

i finished the waistcoat and i'm proud of it even if it's not perfect.

steampunk commissions

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