Feb 15, 2007 19:09
I don't think I ever want to work in a flower shop on Valentines Day again. There was sooo many orders.
-Went to my morning class (Art History 2)
-learned that I had a test Thursday (today, which I did horrably on -_-;)
-Went to work around 10:30-11
-Made rose arrangments...lots of rose arrangements
-Went to eavning class around 5-6
-did a group project missing two people and crappy pictures
-Got called back into work after class (9pm!)
-Made guess what...rose arrangments
-Got home around 12
-Went to bed around 1
-Went to work around 8:30-9
-stabed myself with thorns
-lunch concisted of peanut butter crackers when I could grab one (though Katie did manage to make us sandwatches later in the afternoon)
-helped deliver a $300 arrangement o.O (this accually only took a few mins, but I got to sit)
-bought some roses for mom
-went home around 7:30