Oct 23, 2006 14:49
I went to Silver Hammer this weekend (it is an event for the Society for Creative Anachronism, a mideveal reinactment group thing), and I'm so tired! It was great apart from it being freking cold and no heat in the cabins we stayed in. I mostly just hung out with Mally and them, but I did go check out the fighting turny's for a bit. There was a samari guy in the Rapier group. He lost but it was still kinda cool to see.
At court we all got called up (and we tried so hard not to do anything that would make us have to so we wouldn't make fools out of ourselves -_-;) and was given these badge things to hang on our belt that will let people we are part of the Collage of Munun's Nest (I don't think I spelled that right, but right now I don't care),our group at school. Also, this guy we hang out with, Hank< got called up cause he was at one event where the King was and nearly got banised from the kingdom cause he blided the king (by belly dancing XD). He was given a badge to hang on his belt to warn roylty that he's dangerous. XD
After court was feast (yummy food and lots of it!) and then there was a dancing class. I only did the dances that I already knew, and the last dance we did was the offical dance of Munun's Nest And aparently the guy I danced with went out with my sister about ten years ago. o.O It was kinda wierd.