Random thoughts of the day:

Apr 01, 2013 21:54

Happy April Fools day, y'all, and a very merry unbirthday!

I am bad at pranks. I don't like tricking people.

Best prank of the day:
I have an awesome friend named Tim. He knows how to give crap and take crap and I think he's funny. (Yesterday at church, he told me it's probably because I'm a masochist. He's probably right.)
Anyway, Tim believes that if you choose to buy a minivan, you ought to turn over your man-card (after all, SUV's also seat 7 or 8.)

Often times, he'll post silly stuff on Facebook to stir people up.

For example:
"We have decided that, without a doubt, 1984 was the best year for movies ever. Discuss."
"Almost invariably, every weird guy I've ever worked with always ends up being the guy who goes in the stall to pee instead of the urinal.
I don't know what one has to do with the other, but it can't be coincidence."

Today he wrote: "So, I'm thinking about picking up a minivan. Any suggestions/recommendations?"

If I were drinking something, it would have come out my nose when I read it. Then I clicked to expand the comments on his post. It's hilllllllllarious that so many people are taking his request seriously and giving him suggestions. Seriously, guys, Tim, minivan, April Fools? BRILLIANT. It made my day.

Here are a few of his responses to people's suggestions/comments:
"Anyone who has responded with practical suggestions clearly has never met me. "
"I think that if I can't fit my family into a S8, it's time to sell off a few."
"Definitely April fools Heather. I would rather clip my fingernails with a chainsaw than buy a minivan."

Brilliant. Classic. Brilliant. Today my soul is filled with joy and amusement thanks to Tim.

George Takei's thing was pretty good, too:
"Friends, I am thrilled to announce that I'll be starring in the Star Wars reboot directed by JJ Abrams. I'll be playing Master Ceti Maru, a member of the Jedi High Council. The new film, entitled "Star Wars: Galactic Empire," is greenlit and will begin filming sometime early next year. It is truly a moment for The Star Alliance. Thanks to all my fans for their decades of support."

"Star Wars: Galactic Empire" as a title makes it even more obvious it's made up. I don't know how to explain it, but it's the wrong ... part of speech? Type of phrase?

Phantom Menace/New Hope go together as the title of the first episodes of the trilogies, then attack/strike and clones/empire go together, then revenge/Sith and return/Jedi go together in the final chapters. Maybe I'm reading too much into the movie titles, but the OCD pattern-loving part of me will be very disappointed if Disney/Abram's Star Wars films didn't follow the same pattern. The title of the movie should be something like "*A* Galactic Empire" or "*THE* Galactic Empire".

I really, really like patterns. And logic. Ridiculously.

And a brief shout-out about the significance of this day for me:
Seven years ago today, Mark and I were watching Conference together and between sessions, we talked about the idea of getting married in the summer.  I, being 18, had to ask him to wait and let me make sure my parents wouldn't kill me if I got married as a teenager.  Also, it was April Fool's Day.  I couldn't tell anyone!!  This is a warm fuzzy time of year for me. <3  I kind of knew the idea of us getting married was coming ... a few days before, we were snuggling on his couch watching Toy Story or something, and he turned to me with this kind of curious look in his eyes and said, "You're never gonna leave me, are you?" and I just smiled at him and said, "Nope!!"  (HE'll have to break up with ME, bwahahaha!!)  The next night he gave me a tight hug and said, "Stay with me." and I said, "Okay."  I'm glad he was able to understand my subtle hints that said MARRY ME, MARK.  I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES.

On to real-life things:

Mace has been saying "Mama" while looking at me and "Dada" while looking at Mark. He also says "baba" when he's eating. He's been working on "y" and "v" and "w" sounds, too, just randomly. I love him so much!! He is such a cheerful and enthusiastic kid!

Someone once said, "He smiles with his whole face!" And it's true! You can tell he's smiling even if you're looking at the back of his head. It's the way his ears pull up or something. I. love. it. He just exudes love.

I went to the grocery store today and of course all the Easter candy was 50% off. I bought several bags of peanut butter M&Ms because they were cheaper than the regular candy. Nommmm~~~ I'm trying to find a way to manipulate our home's Easter traditions such that I can buy candy the morning *after* Easter ... like ... we could have an Easter egg hunt for FHE on Monday evening, instead of doing it the Saturday/Sunday morning before Easter. Then I could tell myself, "This way, Easter day itself can be focused on Christ!" Right, RIGHT?! ;)

Speaking of Easter and all of the bunny nonsense, I've never liked the idea of blatantly lying to my kids about Santa, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. So we haven't, and we've let Carmen decide whatever she wants to decide about the Easter Bunny and Santa. She gets a lot of her knowledge from the kids at the gym and her friends. Phew~! Now that she's almost 4, our family is going to be into all of these fake characters until who knows when. It's time we figured out what we're going to do about it, because all of her friends are going to be like YAY SANTA EASTER BUNNY WHOO!!!

Someone said it's nice to hide behind those figures because we, as parents, don't regularly buy our kids candy. WE didn't give the kids candy, SANTA did! I like that idea. I'll incorporate it into how we teach our kids about these make-believe characters.

I once considered explaining to Carmen that Santa and the Easter Bunny are like our super-alter-egos. I don't know if that would work, but it seems like a cool idea to me.

Right now, I just say things like, "Well, what do YOU think about the Easter Bunny?" "Do you think the Easter Bunny will do this?" and she's never really asked me about the reality of the Easter Bunny, just where is he, what does he do, and why does he do it. "I don't know, it's pretty silly and fun, though, huh?"

She plays make-believe with her animals and has a lot of fun acting out their drama. Maybe when she asks me about whether or not Santa is real, I'll find a way to tell her that we enjoy playing make-believe, too. Doesn't playing make everying more fun? After all, I play along with her when she pretends her stuffed animals are alive, or when she decides she's a cat or a pony. She knows it's not real but it's fun to pretend! We can play make believe with Santa and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy all we want and let our imaginations run wild! So what if they're not "real"? It doesn't make it less FUN to play.

I will never tell my children, "Mom and Dad aren't pretending. These things are REAL. THERE IS A FAT GUY WHO SNEAKS INTO YOUR HOUSE AT NIGHT AND STEALS YOUR COOKIES."

Cause, you know, that's kind of terrifying. O___o
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