(no subject)

May 30, 2005 17:56


"11 Jun 2000|06:13am]
[ mood | groggy ]

I got up at 5 again, talked to Amanda for like 15 minutes then I let her go about her merry way, I'm sure she's getting annoyed with my IMing her by now ^^; I hope not anyways. I decided I'd try going back to sleep until 6, I laid there until 5:30 something and had to get up cause period cramps were making me miserable and I was just wasting my time being in bed. I think I'll just get up at 5 like every other day or every two days or so so she doesn't get annoyed with me and so my poor tired body can get some rest. The past few days I've only gotten online like for an hour in the morning and an hour when I get home. I've been too tired to get online, I keep going to sleep around 9 or 10 cause not only do I get up at like 5 am but I never get a chance to relax since the minute I get home I check my email then lock myself in my room and do all my school work.

I've been really bored with the computer lately...nothing against anyone, the only time I raelly feel like being online is at night when most my friends get on but I'm too tired to stay up. When I was done with my school work last night it was about 7 pm so I just laid around and played videogames, I had supper, got a shower, checked email, and when 10 came I was going to go to sleep but decided to stay on a little longer incase Amerz comes on, she didn't so I laid down on the couch and watched Sex and the City then went to sleep.

Yesterday I also got to get some art supplies, in addition to the paint brushes, erasers, and massive sketchbook I needed for school I got some new Micron Pigmas and a book on "the dynamic figure" since I really need to brush up on anatomy and foreshortening. I can get everything accurate proportionally but I really suck when it comes to giving some form to the body like muscles and stuff. I've never used a book to learn how to draw something and chances are I won't end up using it but it's good to have incase I don't always have a mirror to look at for foreshortening in my comic.

I worked on a sketch for school then practiced drawing a naked woman, got bored with that and turned to another page and did a little doodle of Angie screaming, a little realistic self portrait where I'm saying I like drawing cartoons or something like that and a little cartoony doodle of me holding a banana. My art teacher said he was going to be checking our sketchbooks to make sure we all draw, since I love drawing in my sketchbook even though most the time it's cartoony stuff he wouldn't want to see, it shouldn't be a problem. (I say it shouldn't be a problem because whenever the seniors have gotten to hold art shows, something which I'll get to do next year btw, they set out their sketchbooks so people can look at them and I found a lot of them with little pictures of Lina Inverse and stuff)

If I get an opportunity today, I might start inking issue 12, the cover and the first page is ready to go but that's about it. Maybe during English, I don't know, I usually try and avoid doodling the first few weeks of school so the teachers will know I'm a good student that does my work plus I like to see if they're that strict about it or not. Mr.Frederekson my Chemistry teacher from last year would take away your drawings and throw them away if you got caught doodling, luckily I was never caught. Ms.Goff my World Civ teacher I think she knew I doodled all the time when she wanted us to take notes, if you look at my World Civ notebook as well as Chem notebook, they're full of little ink drawings.

Someday I'll probably scan all the ones that are good IMO and have a little section devoted to sketches. I've been planning on that for a while, like a little "the things that never made it" section cause I have a ton of pictures that I've done that were going to be on my site but for some reason or another I would end up either A.not finishing it B.by the time I finished the piece I had already improved so I thought it sucked and never CGed it or C.got bored while I was CGing it so I never finished. I actually do have some decent pics scattered about just I don't think they'll ever get finished. There was this one I did Freshman year that was like a little depressing frontview pic of Angela sitting and looking down. The pic was split into two halves, one half she's on an island, the other half a prison, it was good and all just I never got around to finishing it. "

I KNOW I got this thing in 1999 wonder where the year 99 went on my lj? Because I know this wasn't my first entry..from what I remember! hah I have a general idea of what I was talking about, but damn I never did get around to scanning and posting those sketches. Then again I'm a bajillion years behind on my website! haha It'll be done like in 10 years I'm sure. As for current shit that's going on just enjoying summer and not doing much really, which explains my lack of posts. To be honest I can't stand to look at any of my earlier entries because my god I was so whiney and annoying, it's amazing how much I've changed
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