My 20 starred tweets

Oct 28, 2008 07:32

I am doing a homework from Aulia, posting my 20 most recent starred tweets. If you wonder what the hell what I am talking about, he explained it better than me.

Unlike other normal twitter user who starred their favorite tweets because they like them so they will remember them, I starred my own tweets pretty often. Uh, maybe because I am a narcist? (correct me the spelling, please, I am too lazy to open my dictionary).

I mean, I don't blog very often anymore. I tweets, a lot, big time. Sometimes I collect the interesting stuff here in tumblr, so people who didn't knew what was going on can see the story behind all those weird tweets. I also like adding my own comments here and there, to spice things up.

So why I starred my own tweets a lot? so I can remember the next time I want to blog about those tweets. Twittering is like producing my scattered thoughts, blogging (here in tumblr or there in my main blog at word press) is like layout-ing them together into a more obvious shape.

So, my latest 20 starred tweets are:

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