Here are the poll answers for the curious:
OVERWHELMING majority wanted Paul to be a kitty. lol.
vandonovan -- Supergirl
sergeant_duckie -- Kitty, of course!
feyth -- Kitty!
swannishs_epee -- A muscle man
majorcate -- Well I think he'd be cute in an Admiral hat.... ;)
neongoddess -- bear!
blackbird24 -- Giant piece of candy
moochieattack -- Maccy
ladyamethyst83 -- Kitty
konohage -- kitty
lepidoctor -- kitty!
imagine___ -- Zombie!kitty
eppylover -- Silent movies villain or a Chucky doll
colour_of -- Maccy
hb_princess -- Dorothy Gale
zegenta -- John
lucyinthesky_13 -- the pope
eric_aff_a_bee -- Maccy!
nirvana_gal77 -- Dominatrix Outfit
runika_mori -- Kitty! ^_^
kaikinisshoku -- kitty
libra6484 -- John!
jetsuffragette -- Maccy
zxfallenfaeryxz -- fireman
merryb87 -- John's whore
blackbird_num9 -- tiger
beatlesnspurs -- Cupid
korvasieni -- jeesus
maccalover -- Kitty!!
squally_bunbun -- Cookie Monster
There was less consensus over what John should be...
vandonovan -- The Joker
sergeant_duckie -- Walrus, of course! Teehee.
feyth -- Indiana Jones
swannishs_epee -- A princess
majorcate -- John should dress up as Brian, haha.
neongoddess -- tiger!
blackbird24 -- Zorro
moochieattack -- Link from Legend of Zelda (I'm a bit wierd...)
ladyamethyst83 -- walrus
konohage -- dog
lepidoctor -- er... all bondage-gear-ish? XD
imagine___ -- Pumpkin
eppylover -- Hamlet= the Shakespearean dude holding the skull
colour_of -- Box of Corn Flakes
hb_princess -- The Scarecrow
zegenta -- Paul
lucyinthesky_13 -- greaser
eric_aff_a_bee -- Alice in Wonderland. Friggen hilarious.
nirvana_gal77 -- Cheerleader
runika_mori -- Witch
kaikinisshoku -- frog
libra6484 -- Paul!
jetsuffragette -- Ringo
zxfallenfaeryxz -- zorro
merryb87 -- Paul's pimp
blackbird_num9 -- a hot dog!?
beatlesnspurs -- James Bond (I'd die of happiness)
korvasieni -- pope
maccalover -- Walrus
squally_bunbun -- Mick Jagger
Vampire came up a lot for George, but I ended up using that for Brian. George *does* make the best ninja ever (plus if anyone remembers a sketch I did wayyy back(that I tried to find but could not... yet I know it exists) about watching too many kung foo movies, it sort of fits).
vandonovan -- chimeny sweep
sergeant_duckie -- Whatever a savoy truffle is.
feyth -- Pirate
swannishs_epee -- A vampire
majorcate -- George would make the best ninja evar.
neongoddess -- girl!
blackbird24 -- Sailor
moochieattack -- A Fox
ladyamethyst83 -- scarecrow
konohage -- cowboy :P
lepidoctor -- a klingon!
imagine___ -- Vampire (those fangs decided it for me)
eppylover -- Rastafarian: Jamaican dude with dreadlocks, mon
hb_princess -- The Tinman
zegenta -- Ringo
lucyinthesky_13 -- cowboy
eric_aff_a_bee -- Krishna! with pale blue skin paint and a flute.
nirvana_gal77 -- Male Prostitute
runika_mori -- Vampire
libra6484 -- A Star Wars character...a Jedi!
jetsuffragette -- Paul
zxfallenfaeryxz -- om symbol
merryb87 -- a pirate
blackbird_num9 -- tarzan! haha
beatlesnspurs -- Vampire (fangs galore)
korvasieni -- cucumber
maccalover -- Vampire
squally_bunbun -- Pirate
The three most popular costume suggestions for Ringo on the first day of the poll were octopus, cowboy, and mummy. But Blue Meanie just wins hands down!
vandonovan -- King George III
sergeant_duckie -- A ridiculous-looking top-of-chrimbo-tree star
feyth -- Cowboy!
swannishs_epee -- An octopus
majorcate -- *has mental image of Charlie Brown!Ringo* Hee.
neongoddess -- mummy!
blackbird24 -- Puffin
moochieattack -- A cowboy...maybe billy the kid or summat
ladyamethyst83 -- octopus
konohage -- mummy
lepidoctor -- one of the Village People
imagine___ -- A Bue Meanie
eppylover -- Easter Bunny dressed as Santa (couldn't decide)
colour_of -- Octopus
hb_princess -- The Cowardly Lion
zegenta -- George
lucyinthesky_13 -- vampire
eric_aff_a_bee -- A cowboy or Santa Clause. xP
nirvana_gal77 -- Transvestite
runika_mori -- Giant Apple
libra6484 -- Hugh Hefner! or Capt. Jack Sparrow!
jetsuffragette -- George
zxfallenfaeryxz -- doggie
merryb87 -- a cowboy
blackbird_num9 -- an octopus!!
beatlesnspurs -- Lion
korvasieni -- teddy bear
maccalover -- a Puppy!
squally_bunbun -- That fetish thingy of his
Brian was another mixed bag. I was kind of leaning towards Oscar Wilde or Arthur Dent at first, but heck, the Vampire costume just fit so well with the concept of answering the door to trick-or-treaters.
vandonovan -- .. Oscar Wilde. XD
sergeant_duckie -- Arthur Dent
feyth -- Hawaiian surf dude
swannishs_epee -- A kitty
majorcate -- I have a whacked-out brain. Sumo wrestler?
neongoddess -- devil!
blackbird24 -- Elvis
moochieattack -- Queen Elizabeth I or II (either one is funny)
ladyamethyst83 -- james bond
konohage -- rudolph 0_0
lepidoctor -- a mother hen XD
imagine___ -- The Grim Reaper
eppylover -- MafiaGodfather, vampire or bullfighter. Or Hamlet.
hb_princess -- Glinda
zegenta -- Maccy
lucyinthesky_13 -- something consisting of a toga
eric_aff_a_bee -- apartment42b...or maybe an angel?
nirvana_gal77 -- Homeless Guy
runika_mori -- Mummy
libra6484 -- P.Diddy! or Hulk Hogan!
jetsuffragette -- Alex (Clockwork Orange)
zxfallenfaeryxz -- village person
merryb87 -- superman...?
blackbird_num9 -- a cop! with handlebar mustche
beatlesnspurs -- Sheik
korvasieni -- rabbit
maccalover -- Pirate
squally_bunbun -- Samurai
Aaand Maccy. I decided that whatever I chose for Maccy's costume, I'd make the same costume for the "real life" Maccy (though of course cartoon Maccy's costume is more elaborate). Picture(s) of that will be forthcoming ^_^
vandonovan -- A dog. XD
sergeant_duckie -- Martha (Paul's dog)
feyth -- Pirate kitty!
swannishs_epee -- A moose
majorcate -- Maccy should be Martha for Halloween. XP
neongoddess -- flower!
blackbird24 -- Pumpkin
moochieattack -- A flea
ladyamethyst83 -- sandwich
konohage -- vampire
lepidoctor -- a can of worms XD
imagine___ -- Matching outfit to Paul
eppylover -- Ninja kitty, hee hee. Or Hamlet (i.e., tiny pig)
hb_princess -- Toto
zegenta -- Brian
lucyinthesky_13 -- devil
eric_aff_a_bee -- Paulie! xP
nirvana_gal77 -- Mick Jagger
runika_mori -- Black Cat
kaikinisshoku -- bat
libra6484 -- The Sphinx!
jetsuffragette -- John
zxfallenfaeryxz -- ballerina
merryb87 -- a bat
blackbird_num9 -- a ghost!
beatlesnspurs -- Beetle
korvasieni -- devil
maccalover -- ...Banana?
squally_bunbun -- Jabberwocky
And in case anyone didn't get what John's costume was supposed to be...