Mar 28, 2008 01:07
So here's a couple of really short, really undetailed story ideas. The first is the basic outline of a dream I had last night, which was kind of strange in some areas, but this is just a very brief idea of what the dream was about, for my own notes should the basic idea find itself working into a more detailed setting or idea. It also fits somewhat into my main setting, so might work out there on another part of the planet.
The second is based on City of Heroes/City of Villains, because I got back into playing that after my roommate offered to pay for it, and then bought me three months of game time. Wheee! I've got a level 8 magic blaster character there named Seb Gepardi, who I'm sure will go up in levels fairly quickly with how I tend to play. :P Anyway, the story outline uses him as the main character, and various aspects of the game to decide where it will turns.
So here are the ideas.
Idea 1: The dream
I'm the concubine of a prince or king who gets killed during a war. The complex we're in has three levels, the main level above ground where the warriors and king are, then two below levels, one where secondary forces are located, and a lower one where myself and various other important people, women and children living in the castle, are hiding. As the second level is breached, we're ushered into the back, where a hidden tunnel takes us out of the city, and we flee into the neighbouring city, where we split up and go into hiding. I am apparently also royalty, of a sorts, and go into hiding as a clothesier or tailor, where I later wind up as the tailor and dresser of a princess of the people who defeated our king, as they took control of the neighbouring towns as well. The princess' brother becomes rather fond of me and takes me in to clothe him, one day, where he winds up seducing me, though I wake up in the middle of the seduction.
Idea 2: CoH/CoV
Seb Gepardi - transformed into a being of magic with feline agility through contact with an ancient talisman that he discovered during an archeological dig with his college professor, uses his powers for good, saving people and trying to fend off the evil that threatens Paragon - though later, he becomes bitter and jaded, unable to understand why people continue to put themselves in positions to be victims, as though they're so accustomed to being rescued by the many heroes of Paragon that they've forgotten how to protect themselves, or prevent the situations they get into - over time, he comes to the desicion that why should he use his powers to continue to rescue people who put themselves in dangerous situations on a repeated basis? So he starts to stray from the side of good, leaning towards evil, using his powers for material gain and to enjoy himself. Though never truly evil, he wouldn't harm innocents for the sake of bettering himself, he's strayed so far from his original purpose that he becomes a villain.
In his 'normal' clothes he is much like an average goth type with blond hair and dark sunglasses, long black trench coat. He has barely noticable cheetah spots covering his body, a bit paler than his already pale skin tone, and tends to prefer fingerless gloves and long cargo pants or jeans. When he lets himself be known for what he truly is, rather than wanting to hide his spots, the spots become dark, a brownish gold, clearly visible against his pale skin, and wears a more revealing, outfit that shows off his torso, and a skin-tight to show the slender, swimmer figure beneath what it does cover.
So yeah. The second one I don't see myself actually writing a whole lot for, but you never know, since I do kinda like the idea, and it'd kinda be fun to have a CoX story out there for the fans to read. Maybe. :P