すみません お名前を 教えて いただけますか?

Sep 20, 2023 15:56

As a fan, as law professor I feel the need to give my own view of the matter. Everyone can share it or not. I'm open to discussion.

At the press conference, Higashiyama Noriyuki gets the chair of Chief of Johnnys while Julie steps back.

At the same conference they established a “commission” for victims' reliefs. That mostly is to resolve the problem of compensation.

First, I’m not feeling satisfied with the “selection of new president”. Because, I don’t think that a man that was under JK protectorate would know less than his niece who formally took control of the agency in the beginning of 2000’s with the establishment of JStorm.

I personally, feel is more like a “sex discrimination”, Do you know any Woman CEO in Japan?

Nobody thinks it is a good idea to have a woman in a power position, even less with a company filled with male talent.

Second, because of his sayings. If he said “everybody knows it”, nobody asked “why didn't you do anything to protect your kouhais?”. The worst is:  if he said HE told his kouhais to not do any public statement, and HE  said at the same time “everybody knew about it”, then he said “I don’t remember being abused”. Are you kidding me? It doesn't make sense.

The last part of the conference was the “commission of victims relief”. I was chatting with another law professor about it and we have one conclusion: “So victims didn’t want his crime to be pursued and the offender to be punished, like most victims want. They want a civil right solution: a tort case, a damage compensation ". That's why they waited until JK died, nobody did a lawsuit in the crime court for the abuse.

In Japan, there’s an “fornication act” that punishes the sexual relationship between a minor and an adult. Just like I said previously, they can’t siad it was a rape case because the lack of  resistance. And they were more than 13 years old.  The part of the “victims” story that plays a significant role here: they accepted once and again money for their “service”.

Back to the press conference, what will the special commission do?. They have many solutions proposed to pay with: part of the share stocks of Johnny’s, take one year of profits of the company or take a year of every talent salary.  iDK what is the worst.

  • Share Stocks? So you as a victim wait until you can actually take control of the company.

  • One year of profits: As the cancellation campaign is still continuing, the profits would decline nearly to 1 digit.

  • One year of salary for every talent? As a fan, Do you think it is fair to take a year of salary from Michieda Shunsuke? The guy wasn’t even born when “victims” were at johnny's jr.

And a question to everyone: How do you know the person actually suffered from abuse of JK?

The title of the post refers to the last proposal at presscon: change Johnny’s company name. Not even the US changed its name after 2 atomic bombs. Why should it be a company?

The thing is, everything is money. That is the saddest thing, to see the actual victims of abuse as money seekers. I have experienced as lawyer the child rape cases on first hand, the “JK predator” doesn’t look real.

I see a witch hunt of the talents, they are the victims of media “prosecution”. The media already judge them as guilty of rape. If everyone who debuted under JK control of the agency was “raped”, the talents in Johnny’s: Shouldn’t be considered as victims too?

Everything would be published at a new press conference on october 2nd.

jimusho, johnny's, fandom

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