Title: Drunken Confessions
Arthur: Chiazu
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Characters: Hotch, Reid
Genre: Fluff with a dash of Humor
Rating: FRC
A/N: Written for the Celt on FF.net She asked for a confession fic. Just a little drabble, and not my best work. And it's a day late to boot. Man, I suck.
Telling someone you had certain feelings for them was hard enough. Telling your boss you had those certain feelings for him was hell. Even if said boss felt the same way.
Sure he was half drunk, but that didn't stop the mangled words from coming out of his mouth. Nor did it stop the deep, red blush that covered his cheeks when he realized what he had said. It was embarrassing and completely unexpected. On both parts. Reid had meant to tell Hotch that it was indeed possible to get drunk from two glasses of brandy. A slurred and rushed "IthinkIloveyou" came out.
Both men were quiet. Hotch trying to process what he just heard. Reid trying not to vomit from embarrassment. The alcohol coursing through him wasn't helping.
In the end, Hotch said he felt the same way and helped Reid into his car, urging him not to vomit while he drove the younger man home. It was very high school of them. At least, that's what Hotch thought as he glance over at the sleeping genius. They would have to talk about it tomorrow.
Like, I said. This is not the best. I blame beardless!Hotch. I miss that beard. =(