I came home to this the other day.
Sorry for the poor quality, but it's from my phone.
Atticus hasn't had any problems staying home by himself in a long time, but
Mia apparently is a bad influence. That blue thing in the middle was a small pillow when I left the house that morning.
Work's been rather weird lately. There was another, very small, round of layoffs and a few people have left on their own. Seems like most of my favorite people are either gone or are leaving soon.
I have a feeling that I'll be changing positions again soon. I'm not sure if I'll be continuing along the sysadmin path or end up doing something else, but they want to get someone who makes less money into this spot, I suspect. I've automated my main task as much as possible and have it completely under control. There's just so much I don't know that most people in my department just take for granted. It's alternatively humbling and anxiety inducing. I have enjoyed the opportunity to learn everything that I have, but sometimes its just drives home how haphazard my "education" really is.
I got an offer to work for our main client doing the same thing I used to do. I don't know that I'd take it unless it paid a great deal more than I'm making now, with fantastic benefits. It'd take at least that so I could handle seeing XML in my dreams again.