life just keeps happening

Mar 25, 2006 14:03

I went snowboarding last weekend and had a fan-fucking-tastic time despite doing a spectacular faceplant on my last ride down.  I went with some more experienced people and went to areas I wouldn't have gone on my own.  Pushing myself a little harder made me improve my form a bit.  Very cool.

School's out out for Spring break.  My financial aid has finaly run out, so I'll only be taking one class a term.  I really enjoyed this past term more than I have in quite awhile.  Of all the things in my life right now, doing tai chi again is the one thing that I just know is right.  I appreciate that kind of certainty. Made a new friend there too.  (Hi, shizaru.)  I'm still not sure what I'll be doing next term, but I will be dropping into the tai chi class and will definitely be learning the Chen form in the fall.

My brother has been calling and hanging out on occassion again.  It's good to see him again, but my tolerance for any of his "drama" has slipped from low to nil.

And because I liked divadrummer's so much,

1. You have two wives?
Yes.  Two.  Only "legally" married to one obviously.

2. Why do you shave your head?
My hairline went into full retreat awhile back.

3. Are you a skinhead?
Fucking idiot.

4. What's the matter?
I'm a moody bastard.

5. You work with computers/make web pages?  Will you fix mine/my mom's/my dog's?
Not without compensation.

6.  Do you want another drink?

7.  Why did you feel the need to make a FAQ? 
Cuz divadrummer is cool and I wanna be cool too.

meme, snowboarding, catching up

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