
Aug 14, 2012 09:13

So I was ridiculously proud of myself for replacing the belt on my "new" turntable and actually getting the thing spinning. So the next step is to hook up the amplifier and dig some speakers out of the attic. So I root around in the garage looking for my dad's old amp. I Find it, dust it off and carry this heavy box up to my room. Thought it was a bit weird that it had a big radio tuner display but shrugged it off. Only to discover - via my father - that it was just that. Only a radio tuner. *facepalm* So I lug the thing back to its spot in the garage and go online to look up what an amp actually is because the one that was supposed to be there is no where to be found. The internet tells me the amp is a small box with a couple of plug ins and about $30. Finally a break! Something smaller then 20+ lbs. So I walk into BestBuy yesterday afternoon (a bad idea when dressed up for a date cuz then all the nerdy guys working there stare) only to discover that the amps I was looking at online are actually pre-amps and what I really need is this giant box with a phono input ( something is is becoming rare apparently) and this monstrosity of a box is cheapest $130. Well this box looks suspiciously like something we have plugged into our tv at home and never use. So just this morning I dig the thing out of the cabinet, unhook it from all these random wires just to plug it in. It would not turn on. Hence *headdesk*. You'd think that with the way technology going the way it is, they'd be able to downsize the amp a little bit or make a special one with phono input for us peeps going for the retro look with vinyl. Keep your fingers crossed that when I get around to getting the speakers out of the attic, they actually work and have good sound quality otherwise I'm out another hundred bucks.  

records, first world problems

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