Dec 10, 2009 17:44
1.Who sleeps in bed next to you?
No one. How lame is that? No boyfriend and no cats. When I'm at home in Ohio, the cats sleep with me, but technically it's a couch instead of a bed.
2.What did you last eat?
Ice cubes
3.What kinds of books do you read?
When I have my choice, literary masterpieces. I also read informational non-fiction, especially if it's related to science, biographies, occasionally memoirs, classic sci-fi, and the dictionary. I read a lot of other things that are not books like articles online, ingredient lists on stuff, trash on the ground, advertisements, clothing labels, whatever I can get.
4.What are you reading right now?
I'm always in the middle of reading something, and I include those books that I began last summer and have not had time to finish since. So: Ethan Frome, Einstein in Love, Histoire d'une Revanche, a critical review of William Blake (I adore him), and a bunch of environmental/food ethics books from my interdisciplinary bio class. Plus, probably more that I'm forgetting.
5.If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
I don't have anywhere I could go. I suppose I'd like to be travelling and doing something exciting right now, anywhere in the world, or perhaps just with a friend. I'm sick of Lynchburg these days. I want to be in the future, but not the near future that's waiting for me, because Ohio is definitely not someplace where I want to go.
6.Tell me something interesting that happened today.
I tutored one of the professors for her history essay. It is so reassuring to know that I actually do have useful skills that can help someone who is more knowledgeable than I am in many ways. I appreciate how much LC supports us. Then, she and I had a nice conversation about how she's taking the class just for the fun of it. This is exactly the thing I needed to hear in order to make it through exam week.
7.Name one odd item within three feet of you.
I'm wearing a newsboy cap that I found on the ground a few days ago. I would not be surprised if this turns out to belong to Sean.
8.What's your current fandom obsession/addiction?
I don't write fanfics anymore. Does Lady Gaga count? I'm way into her. What about William Blake?
9.What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
I really should have finished my French presentation, and I even skipped my last day of Romantic Lit. to wok on it which makes me very unahppy.
10.What are you most excited for?
I'm such a grump right now. I can't even be excited for the party because, as fun as it will be, it's taking away precious time to finish papers and projects. I just wnat to be done with finals, but then I have to go to Ohio. If I weren't so busy, I'd be excited for my upcoming conferences and my schedule for next semester looks amazing.
11.What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Facebook, email, weather, Huffington Post. Now and again LiveJournal, PostSecret, MLIA, TFLN. There's always StumbleUpon.
12.What was the last thing you bought?
Chocolate toffee pretzels and fries
13.What do you want right now, off the top of your head?
To be a better poet, to be done with exams, warm socks, and a driver's license
14.What's your biggest procrastination method?
Checking email, napping, reading, getting snacks
15.Are there any bits of childhood you miss?
A lot of bits. Right now, I miss a certain tree in my yard in Ohio, the blue-green pine that has two trunks.
16.If you were a crayon, what color crayon would you be?
Purple Mountain Majesty