Winchester Astrology Pt. 2

Dec 23, 2010 14:10

Here Goes Dean's Yay

Dean Winchester’s Astrological Chart

DOB: 1/24/79

Sun: Aquarius
Moon: Sagittarius
Mercury: Capricorn
Venus: Sagittarius
Mars: Aquarius
Jupiter: Leo
Saturn: Virgo
Uranus: Scorpio
Neptune: Sagittarius
Pluto: Libra

The Sun is the most important and pervasive influence in your horoscope, and in many ways determines how others see you. The position of the Sun in your birth chart governs your individuality, your distinctive style, and your drive to fulfill your goals in life.
(January 20 - February 18)

DUALITY Masculine
Aquarius is assertive, independent, progressive, analytical, original, and inventive, has strong dislikes and firm opinions.
RULING PLANET Uranus: Ancient Greek sky god, first ruler of the universe. It was the first modern planet to be discovered (in 1781). In astrology, Uranus is the planet of change, disruption, the unconventional, and the unexpected. It rules invention, aerodynamics, and modern science.
SYMBOL The Water Bearer: Dispensing a gift that flows freely and equally to all; representing creation and the giving of life. The water that the Water Bearer pours out symbolizes truth, which you freely give out to the world.
Aquarius is the sign of hopes and dreams, friends and wishes. Its natives tend to be idealistic humanitarians who are concerned with the larger issues of the world but remain personally detached in their own relationships. Leo, Aquarius’s opposite sign, is the sign of pleasure, affection, and love affairs. Leo people look for fun and good times to make them
happy; they need close ties with others and tend to dominate in love affairs.
PART OF THE BODY RULED BY AQUARIUS The circulatory system, shins and ankles: Aquarius natives are prone toward ankle sprains and breaks; also to varicose veins and hardening of the arteries.
LUCKY DAY Wednesday
MAGICAL BIRTHSTONE Amethyst: Brings faithfulness in love and bestows the gift of prescience.
SPECIAL COLOR Electric blue: The clear color of the sky.
CITIES Stockholm, Moscow, Buenos Aires, Salzburg
COUNTRIES Russia, Sweden, Ethiopia
TREES Fruit trees
METAL Uranium
DANGER Aquarians are innovative, unconventional, and sometimes eccentric, and are therefore often targets for attack by narrow-minded people. Aquarians also have a tendency to get into unusual situations and take up with oddball individuals.

Your Most Likeable Trait
Astrologers are fond of this eleventh sign of the zodiac, for Aquarius is the sign of the future, of the visionary, some say of astrology itself. Aquarians are unorthodox, original people-sort of wacky, witty madcap’s who refuse to follow the crowd and go their own way. You like being different. You not only march to a different drummer, you make up new music as you go along. Intellectual independence is your most marked characteristic.
In the sign of Aquarius, the combination of a fixed quality (representing persistence) and an air element (representing intellect and communication) under the influence of the planet of change, Uranus, creates a personality that is liberal, progressive, yet fixed in opinion. Your inflexibility shows up when others least expect it (in keeping with your penchant for unconventionality). It may be in defense of an idea you have, a trip you’ve decided on, a
habit of yours that you refuse to give up-whatever the cause, someone will suddenly come in conflict with your Aquarian obstinacy. You refuse to compromise or give an inch. You’re a strange mix of an avant-garde thinker whose opinions are written in stone. You cheerfully ignore what others think and strike off on new paths, unbound by precedent, because there are so many more exciting things for you to discover that way. You think boredom is a communicable disease and take every opportunity to avoid it.
Your character is a system of paradoxes. You enjoy being with people but are content to be alone. You like to travel but love relaxing at home. You are friendly and outgoing
but also detached and reserved. You have both a scientific and an artistic turn of mind. In career you often are involved in two distinct areas of work. Your astrological symbol is the Water Bearer-often Aquarius is mistaken for a water sign. Aquarius is an air sign. You are a communicator, an idea person.
People born under this sign live most intensely in their minds. The “water” being poured out by the Water Bearer stands for truth. You are a truth-teller; you give out opinions and observations. You dispense wisdom. You are a seeker of knowledge, rational, open-minded, gifted with breadth of vision. Chock full of information, you still search for more. You always want to know what lies on the other side of the mountain. One Aquarian recently declared, “It annoys me to find out there’s something out there I’ve never heard of. I need to know what it is!” You can be objective in judgment, for you don’t let emotion get in the way. This appears to give you the ability to stand outside yourself, to rise above ordinary human frailty. Your built-in distrust of emotion compels you to struggle against its chains, and this may become a source
of inner conflict.
Problems arise when your sense of identity becomes inextricably linked to your ideas. Like Gemini, another air sign, you have a lot of ego invested in your opinions. When others disagree, you take this as an attack on your personhood. Your fixity turns into willfulness and rebelliousness for the sake of being a rebel. You deliberately refuse to recognize that your idea isn’t working in the real world of your relationships or career-and you sabotage
yourself by insisting on your way even if your way proves to be unfeasible.
You are very people-oriented, addicted to the study of human beings and an inveterate people-watcher. Outgoing and amiable, you attract friends wherever you go. You have a talent for making people laugh with a pithy phrase that sums up a situation-though those who tangle with
you quickly discover how your sharp verbal skills can deflate pomposity and pretension. You possess a true common touch, yet never lose your own strong individuality. Whomever you meet, you remain you-that amusing, inquisitive, interested person who wants to know what makes others tick. Your gift is for dealing with all kinds of personalities from every walk of life, no matter what their station or status. You never put on airs, nor are you cowed by anyone’s wealth or position. If you met the Queen of England, you would be your natural self. We’re all related,
you believe, because we’re all human beings. You are genuinely interested in why a person thinks this way or that. The nicest part is that you do not judge. You willingly grant to others what you consider an inalienable right: the freedom to be unique. For you, the ultimate liberation is
simply the freedom to be oneself.
As a student of human behavior, you have great tolerance for the weaknesses and foibles to which all mankind is heir. You are a humanitarian, concerned with the welfare
of the world, but do not get deeply involved in intimate relationships. There is always a certain distant quality to you, a detachment or aloofness of spirit. You seem to disassociate yourself from emotion. However, the cool, arm’s-length impression you give can be deceiving. In the zodiac Aquarius symbolizes friendship, and you can form close and enduring ties. Beneath your detached, seemingly unemotional exterior beats a stubbornly loyal heart. No one is a truer, finer friend than Aquarius. Completely free of malice, you’ll do anything to be helpful. Yet you’ll never
let the other person become dependent on you. Your affection comes with no strings attached.
Because independence is your way of life, you will sacrifice even a close personal relationship in order to maintain it. Trying to fence you in or tie you down won’t work. If you feel trapped, you try to break free at any cost. Your sign of Aquarius also represents future hopes and yearnings, and for you, what’s over is done with. You want to escape the past and, like Peter Pan, head straight on to morning. You’re wonderful at hatching schemes and dreams, plotting trips, setting goals. The unusual-in people, places, and projects-is what really interests you.
As an idealist you would like to see that everybody is happy, and your ambition is to do something important and meaningful. Many Aquarians go into politics or become
involved in social causes. This is the astrological sign of hopes and wishes, and you are the kind who follows a dream. An Aquarian will hatch up a grandiose scheme for improving
the way things are, but your main interest is in creating the idea, not translating it into action through work. Hard work doesn’t interest you. You are creative, imaginative, endlessly willing to experiment, but the drudgery of detail and the minutiae of management are not your style.
You’d rather invent a new utopian scheme and let others grapple with the hard realities.
Your great weakness is a tendency to inflate your own importance, to pose as an expert on any subject. You are so determined not to be like anyone else that you are sometimes contrary just to be different. You have the least regard for convention of any zodiacal sign, which
often gives you a reputation for being eccentric. Just as you are broad-minded about the faults of others, you take for granted that your shortcomings will be overlooked. Sometimes you will be argumentative not because you feel deeply, but simply because you enjoy the intellectual
exercise. You are quickly bored and take delight in verbally provoking anyone you consider stodgy and dull.
Nevertheless, Aquarians are among the kindest people in the world. Easygoing, reasonable, slow to take offense, never mean-hearted, you believe in live-and-let-live. Honest, helpful, altruistic, and best of all never boring, you can change anyone’s life for the better just by becoming part of it.

The Inner You

The most frequent question you ask is “Why?” You want to understand what makes other people tick. Their lives fascinate you because you hope they will offer you insights into your own. You have plenty of love to give, and you want nothing more than to have lots of interesting
friends, a wonderful love relationship, fulfilling work, and for the world to be a better place and everyone to be happy. Not much to ask, is it? One of your best-kept secrets is how shy and insecure you are. You wonder if the people you care about feel the same way about you-this
is why you work so hard to make others like you. You want to share yourself, but are afraid of losing who you are or becoming what other people think you should be. Yet somehow your feelings of insecurity manage to coexist with a belief that you are someone special.

How Others See You

You’re often regarded as slightly eccentric-not necessarily strange, but certainly an independent character, a kind of daredevil with an unusual way of looking at things. People consider you a pathfinder, a member of the real avant-garde. They think you have a wicked sense of humor, an ability to shock and amuse at the same tine. They know you’re open to new ideas, especially when these ideas are yours. People are drawn to your friendliness and enthusiasm, but they withdraw quickly when you turn acid-tongued. Sometimes, because you need so much personal freedom, you give the impression of being uncaring or distant. Those around you may also become annoyed at your stubbornness.

The position of the Moon in your horoscope is second only in importance to the position of the Sun. The Sun sign is the part of you that is most apparent on the surface; it is what others see. The Moon sign is the part of you that you see. In astrology the Moon stands for emotions, instincts, and the unconscious. Whereas the Sun represents your will, the Moon represents your instinctive reactions.

Moon in Sagittarius
A Moon in Sagittarius modifies your Sun sign in this way:
THE BRIGHT SIDE OF SAGITTARIUS MOON You are more adventurous, optimistic, exuberant, open-minded, sincere.
THE DARK SIDE OF SAGITTARIUS MOON You are more restless, extravagant, irresponsible, careless, uncommitted.
In Sagittarius, the Moon takes on a sparkle and brightness that it does not have in other signs. Sagittarius is the astrological sign of higher learning and breadth of vision. Here the Moon’s influence loses its passivity. If you have the Moon in Sagittarius you are noted for your quick, sharp mind, extraordinary insights, and an ability to get things done in a flash. Your clear-thinking intelligence sifts through sensory impressions swiftly and with startling lucidity.
You are the kind of person who envisions great goals and then, undaunted by possible failure, sets about achieving them. You rarely listen to advice about pitfalls and drawbacks, nor do you wait to find out if a plan is impractical or unworkable. With energy and enthusiasm you rush
in and usually accomplish what you set out to do. One reason for your success is your keen judgment. With a Moon in this sign of lofty vision, you have a way of seeing farther than people with the Moon in other signs.
As a Moon-Sagittarian you are fond of open spaces, travel, new people, different surroundings. Among your most winning traits is adaptability-to different kinds of personalities and to foreign and strange places. Your immediate reaction to a new experience is to explore and
learn more. To you a chance to expand your horizons is always welcome, and you are not exclusively interested in making a profit. Money, in fact, does not stay long in your pocket or checking account. You feel that the whole purpose of money is to buy pleasure. You want to enjoy life. At times you can be quite careless and reckless. Since you believe in your luck, you tend to abandon yourself to whatever fate has in store. You operate on the theory of optimistic fatalism. The danger is that you may push your luck too far. However, a setback does not keep you down for long. With renewed high spirits and a fresh outlook, you hitch up your wagon once more to the stars. Because of your charm and geniality, you have a knack for making friends. You also have a witty way with words and a buoyant sense of humor. Your social gaiety sweeps
others along on a tidal wave of goodwill. One of your most endearing qualities is your ability to perceive the best in people. When you criticize, you do so with such openness and candor that it is comparatively easy to take.
Unlike the other fire Moons (Moon-Aries and Moon-Leo),Moon-Sagittarians are not highly sexed and passionate. You look on love more as an adventure. You enjoy the thrill of discovery, the stimulating high of being in love, but you are unwilling to immerse yourself in deep emotional
intensity. After a while your lovers may complain of your detachment or unreachableness. A perfect soul mate for you is someone who looks more outward than inward, and in time your love affairs become more like friendships. You are also noted for a roving eye and a refusal to
be tied down to one person or one place. You need a lot of personal space and independence. This does not necessarily make you a bad marriage partner-you are a marvelous companion-it is just that you do have a certain lightheartedness about love and fidelity. Life to you means
change and variety, and this attitude has a way of also applying to love.
No matter what your Sun sign may be, the Sagittarius-Moon qualities of optimism and expansion express themselves in your personality. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Sagittarius Moon accentuates your self-confidence, adventurous nature, and appetite for experience. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a Sagittarius Moon lends you vitality, enthusiasm, a keen intellect, and a talent for salesmanship. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), you combine commonsense practicality with a lofty, creative outlook; this is an excellent position for people in politics and law. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), your emotional, imaginative personality is galvanized by the energy and philosophical vision of a Sagittarius Moon; this is a successful combination for writers and artists.
Whatever your Sun sign, a Sagittarius Moon gives you a love for learning, humanitarian instincts, and a gift for being an independent thinker.


Mercury is the planet of mental activities, communication, and intellectual energy. It rules over your intelligence, perception and reason, memory, speaking and writing. It reflects the way you see, hear, understand, and assimilate information.

If you have Mercury in Capricorn you tend to be ambitious and methodical,
careful, calculating, and patient. You are not only superb at handling detail, but you also never lose sight of the whole picture. When it comes to making decisions you are extremely rational. Logic, the steady progression from point to point, is what you put your faith in. You always have an objective; you always have a secret goal you are pursuing. Mercury-Capricorns often attain
positions of leadership because they are so dependable and have an air of authority. (This is evident even in very small children who have Mercury in this position.) A problem you have in relating to people can be your dictatorial manner. You also tend to have a disapproving air about the foibles and frivolities of others. Life is serious to Mercury-Capricorns and you
see its dark side-though a redeeming trait is your dry sense of humor.

Venus in your chart indicates how you relate to the opposite sex, whether you are popular and make friends easily, and also what artistic leanings you have. It rules your ability to love and to share with another person. Being the planet of pleasure, it points to the kinds of amusements you are drawn to and in what ways you spend your money.

Venus-Sagittarians begin love affairs with a spirit of adventure. You like to experience
the excitement of love in the same way you search for diversion in the rest of your life. First attractions are always wildly romantic; as a Venus-Sagittarian you never seem to have commonplace or banal love affairs. However, you cannot sustain the emotion, and therefore never completely sacrifice your freedom to another person. What you want is the unobtainable-
perfect love-and even if you could find it you would shrink from being possessed by it. With such
contradictory attitudes, it’s no wonder you leave your lovers terminally puzzled. Basically, Venus-Sagittarians are high-spirited, outgoing, and highly imaginative. You tend to attract powerful and influential friends and find it much easier to deal with friends than with lovers. For one thing, friendship is less demanding. Luck in creative affairs surrounds projects undertaken in foreign countries or far from home.


Mars’s position in your chart indicates what stirs your passions and whether you can get your own way. It tells what kind of physical endurance you possess and how accident-prone you are.

In Aquarius, the energy of Mars is expressed on a mental plane. You are quick in your
actions, but before you act you must be committed intellectually. You tend to be very people-oriented and involved in a variety of projects. There is an element of reform or fighting for freedom in your outlook. High strung and unpredictable, you struggle between wanting
to do things alone and getting involved in group activities. There is also ambivalence in your sexual nature. You have strong desires that are not always reachable. You try to deal with sex relationships rationally, and swing back and forth between passionate involvement and detachment. You acknowledge sexual desire but don’t want to be fettered by it. This sometimes
leads to your having a number of affairs (often simultaneously); that way, each affair can’t be a total commitment. As a Mars-Aquarian you have acute insights into human nature.


Jupiter’s position in your chart indicates how outgoing and genial you are, whether you attract money and possessions, and in what career you will have the most luck.

Jupiter in Leo bestows an extraordinary public appeal. If you are a native of this position you are well suited for the theater, television and movies, politics, advertising, and public relations. Your
full potential is achieved through leadership; you are wretchedly unhappy if forced to stay on the lowest rung. You think big, are ambitious, and have a penchant for grandeur and extravagant display. In professions where this is useful, such as the entertainment industry, the world of fashion, and high-powered selling jobs, you are predestined to succeed. The problem is
that success may come too easily. In that event, Jupiter-Leos can become boastful and power-hungry. Fortunately, this does not happen often, for Jupiter gives you personal charm and warmhearted vitality. Other people want to do things for you, and you often benefit from influential friends. Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in the signs of Leo, Sagittarius, and


Saturn’s position in your chart indicates how well you accept responsibility, whether you are self-disciplined, and what delays and opposition you can expect to encounter.


The responsible planet Saturn and the conscientious sign of Virgo work well together.
This Saturn position heightens Virgo’s intellectual ability and practical turn of mind. You are methodical and organized, willing to work hard to achieve goals. To you, theory and practice are one and the same; you immediately put what you learn into use. Saturn does place hardship in your path, usually early in life when you must sometimes cope with sorrow, disappointment,
or frail health. You can become bogged down in trivialities because you are a stickler for details. You are also capable of becoming a petty tyrant when others don’t see things your way. Saturn gives you wisdom but not necessarily vision. Too often you see the dark side of life and fear the unknown-that is, what you cannot categorize and control. On the plus side, Saturn
endows you with an ability to make money, especially in real estate. Natives of this Saturn position are vulnerable to intestinal upsets and ulcers.


Uranus’s position in your chart indicates whether you have an inventive or unconventional mind and if you are attracted to odd and peculiar ideas. It designates what
kind of genius you possess, whether you encounter unusual circumstances in work, travel, and relationships, and your propensity for sudden and dramatic events that mark your life.


Uranus is strong in the intense sign of Scorpio. You have a dominating quality that
wells up from deep within you. You possess a magnetic sexuality that is sometimes known as star quality. You are blessed with a penetrating mind. You are able to bring concentration and willpower to bear, and thus can move mountains through sheer effort. Uranus brings you luck through intuitive flashes of knowledge about people or situations in which you are involved.
Unusual financial turns and reverses can be expected during your lifetime. Often you benefit through a partner’s money or by an inheritance. At times you may be thought of as stubborn, secretive, and shrewd.


This planet’s position in your chart indicates what kind of ideals and goals you have, how psychic and visionary you are, and whether you possess a magnetic allure that people respond to. Neptune’s influence brings great depth of understanding, ESP ability, and creative genius.


In the altruistic sign of Sagittarius, Neptune has an uplifting influence. Astrologers put great store in the generation born when Neptune was in this sign, for Sagittarius is the sign of higher learning, philosophy, and freedom. Neptune-Sagittarians have fine intellects, high purpose,
and humane natures, and as these young people reach their adult years we look forward to new
philosophers, sages, and humanistic leaders. Neptune in this position brings a desire for liberty and truth, and a visionary outlook. Neptune-Sagittarians will play an important role in improving living conditions in the Third World countries and in discovering new advances in medicine and science. While Neptune transited this sign of travel and expansion, more people had access to foreign cultures through travel, research, and the World Wide Web.


Pluto has a powerful generational influence and also a personal meaning in your chart. The planet governs the beginnings and ends of the phases in life. The planet governs the uncovering of secrets of the past in order to clear ground for the future.


Libra is the sign of peace and harmony, and early in Pluto’s journey through Libra the agonizing war in Vietnam finally came to an end. On a larger scale, two enormous hostile world powers, the United States and the People’s Republic of China, moved toward peace and a new rapprochement in their relationship. Pluto-in-Libra also indicates deep concern for law and balancing injustice. The era of Watergate, with its shocking revelations of corruption, ended by bringing new order to government and restoring the balance of powers between the executive branch and Congress. A consequence was the adoption of the Freedom of Information Act. Libra emphasizes egalitarianism and equality, and Pluto’s transit saw the passage of equal opportunity laws, support for the Equal Rights Amendment and greater equality for homosexuals. Libra also signifies a love for luxury, and the early 1980s ushered in a period of opulence. When Pluto is in Libra, the planet’s personal influence promotes a deep need to seek harmony and cooperation. Its negative side brings unforeseen problems and disruption in close relationships.

dean winchester natal chart astrology ta

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