It has been a while since I've posted here. .Though I've always been logging in LJ everytime I go online but I only check my feeds(checking for updates, stalking. .XD). .hehe. .^^;
Well, this is my first post this year, and I'll start with sharing a wallpaper!!!yay!!*\(^o^)/*
(Sorry, I just made one. .^^;)
First off, NEWS!!!!!!Kyaaaa!!!!!>_<♥
Tegoshi, Massu, Shige, Kei-chaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!\(*A*)/
And btw, THANKS to
inala nbsp;for her wonderful scans. .
Just click the pic to download the bigger version. .^^
Hope you like it!!!!Comments are loved. .^^
Next in line, Hey! Say! JUMP!!!