Metrocon 2007

Jul 10, 2007 14:54

So we left early Friday morning to reach our destination: Metrocon 2007.

We picked up Hila and Allison at the McDonald's in town and then attempted to arrange ourselves comfortably in the 10-passenger car. My mom was the "luggage car" so she could have alone-time.

When we got there we drove around our hotel a few times before finally finding the entrance. (Curse these one-way city streets.) We threw all our stuff in one room and flew away to the convention center and got in line to claim our tickets. The Preregistered normal ticket line took the longest. (Which was the one we were in; all except for Alexis, Ryan, and Celeste.)

After we escaped we ran to Opening ceremonies, but everyone except for Alexis, Andrea, Tyler and I got bored so they left to do something else. They missed Vic's unique entrance and video he made for it; which can be seen here:
He walked in on the stage looking exactly like he did in the video, only with shorter hair and said "When I was in the firetruck I wrote something for you all." He then pulled out a piece of paper and said "Thank you." Long pause. "That's it." Very amusing. Greg Ayres also had a pretty interesting introduction, but I can't exactly remember what it was. He dazzled me with his sex appeal. (He was fully clothed, I swear!)

After that we walked around in the Dealer's room and discovered the amazing Artist's Alley in which I purchased an amazing poster of the Hitachiin twins. ( It is on my wall for me to freely stare at now.
After that we went back to the room(s) and moved our stuff accordingly and changed into our Masquerade Ball outfits. When it was time to go we went out to get an elevator (as they are demons that like to take their time) and I had decided to turn off my cell phone since I would be gone for the rest of the night. So the elevator came while I was gone and as soon as I ran out the doors were closing and nobody had bothered to hold them open for me. (Jerks, the lot of them. >:c ) So I ran down all the stairs from the top floor (twentieth) down to the second since that's where the connection is and dicovered you need a key card to get into the hotel from the stairs. I thought I would be trapped. SO I went down to the first found a door going out the side, ran to the entrance and then ran up to the second floor to find them waiting outside the elevator. I then verbally assaulted them, Celeste and Andrea would receive no birthday presents from me, (I was going to buy them there.) and then had an asthma attack. God, I could've walked up to the room and stayed there the rest of the night, but that would mean I was out 10 bucks, and I don't like to waste money, so I sucked it up and went. I eventually forgave them because we were having too much fun watching the skits and dancing. (Tyler didn't dance.) Everyone except for Alexis, Andrea and I left because they are dum-dums. So we watched the events of the play fold out with our little yells of add-ons.("WE LOVE YOU, KYO!") The play was Queen Beryl (from Sailor Moon) and her lackeys were trying to prevent Prince Kyo and/or Yuki from being engaged before 10 o' clock (since that's when the ball ended) because she wanted to be queen. Roy and Hughes had found a memory-stolen Tohru and appointed her a servant girl. (Kinda like Cinderella minus the fairy godmother and stepsisters.) She was not to be seen but Prince Yuki found her and had her dance with him after she had gone to Kyo's room (Oh-la-la.) to clean but instead taught him to dance. Kyo, being the hotheaded jealous little brother, went to some corner of woe to sulk. (In the play he had a huge cape on, because his beads had been stolen by Queen Beryl. Oh, and Naruto and Momiji were being told the story by Mr.Metrocon.) During the first dance break the Naruto and Momiji came over and asked us why we werebn't dancing. I just told him we were preparing ourselves, and then we got our groove on. Anyway, back to the story. Yuki protected Kyo by saying he was going to marry Tohru, but Kyo didn't understand, so it resulted in battle, and blah blah blah Kyo and Tohru kiss, happily ever after. So then the stage clears and Roy yells "Send out the court jester!" So an Ed comes out through the smoke, throws off his jacket (and has a small sleeveless one underneath) and starts dancing and singing on stage. He did some weird yaoi-related gesture to Roy in which he proceeded to hold his head in his hand, massaging his temples. Then "Ed" held out his hand to Andrea and she got up on stage with him and started dancing with him. It was so cute. She got off stage and I just stared at her open-mouthed and started congratulating her on her accomplishment. ("You DANCED with ED!") In which she replied "I KNOW! He wasn't THAT great; but it was ED!" And we fangirled. Roy and Ed had a loud exchange of insults and then Ed walked off and Alexis had returned earlier with my rave clothes. I changed into them when the slow songs had come on, and then we waited for the rave to get ready, and then we went back in and Greg Ayres was DJ! but it was no surprise, since it was in the program; but still, GREG AYRES! Sexy voice actor, extraordinaire! He's a marvelous DJ, by the by. We had fun dancing with our glow sticks to Greg Ayres' musical talent. While we were playing Twister with some guys he turned on a techno-fied Nothing I Won't Give. Yay! And Vic Mignogna WAS there. During the Masquerade we saw him and Greg have a yaoi moment backstage. Heeheehee.
We left when we couldn't dance any more.

Next day- The marvelous 7/7/07. The day we would wear our Sin shirts.
We all met up at breakfast and then set off together and got loads of compliments on them. There was a place in the Dealer's room where you could have fights with styrofoam swords so Ryan set up for all seven of us to have an epic battle. I kept getting killed instantly by Wrath, (Alexis) so I moved somewhere where I could actually fight for a little bit, and then get "killed". Lots of people watched and loved our shirts and cheered for Gluttony, (Andrea) although Lust (Ryan) was the closest to an expert fighter. Everyone said Andrea didn't look like a Gluttony in which we all replied in unison "You haven't seen her eat." Something made Pride, (Lauren, Alexis' sister) Lust, and Envy (Celeste) go back to the hotel 'til the rave 'cause they're douches.
But before they left we went to the fourth annual Anime Human Chess Match which was brilliant. Before it started they played the Time Warp, so all us sins (except for Tyler, 'cause she's dumb and doesn't ever dance.) got up asnd started dancing to it. Ryan and I would always scream when something bad happened to Kenshin which was the whole reason our voices were lost up until today. During a quiet part of Kenshin's battle Ryan yelled "KENSHIN, YOU SEXY BEAST!" Which made people turn around and stare at him. Hah. I wanted to yell with him "BEAR OUR CHILDREN, KENSHIN." But there was no time.
Anyway, we went to the end of Laura Bailey's panel to get seats for Vic Mignogna's. Not great ones, but decent enough. Here's a clip from the panel:
If you listen closely you can hear a "BUT WE LOVE YOU!" being yelled. That was Alexis. It makes me giggle.
So his panel was basically a Q&A because he "loves to interact with us". He's so nice. He told us he was doing a concert at 7, which meant we had to bolt to the main room after Greg's panel at 6:30. After Vic's panel was his signatures, which a long line had been created. We got in line and when we got up there he said "Oh, cool shirts!" and took a picture of us, because we're made of awesome. We got a few things signed and then walked around and then got to Greg's Panel super-early for good seats and he himself arrived five minutes early. We were eating Oreo's and offered him one and said (in his sexy-music-like voice) "No, thank you. You know, a lot of people don't know this about me but I don't like sweets; but if it were cheesy or salty I'd eat it." So he started his hilariously marvelous panel.
"One time I was telling a story that involved someone flipping someone off and so I did it and some guy from the audience said 'You just flipped me off...' so I said 'No, no I didn't', but he wouldn't hear it. So I said 'Fine, I'll flip the whole room off.' and did. So now, on facebook there's a club called the "Greg Ayres flipped me off club". So for a joke I created a facebook and I upload pictures of the 12-year-old me flipping off the camera."
There was also a wedding in the hotels that day so he told us a story.
"I pissed off one of the women from the wedding when I was talking to her in the elevator. She goes 'So, what is this convention thing going on?' and I reply 'Oh, we're harmless; at least, a lot more harmless than wedding ceremonies." He's so funny.
He also told us his story about his break-up with his fiancee and how he just played 'Dead Rising' for weeks, imagining every disemboweled zombie to be his fiancee.
He told the story of how some people think he only goes to cons to go after 'scantily-clad women'. He says "Yaoi pin!" and holds it up on his bag strap.
After that was a question from a fan, "Do you think Satoshi is gay?" In which he gave a lengthy reply and his conclusive statement was basically "As much as you, or I, want him to be, he's not." Hooray for voice actor yaoi fans.
In Negima he plays a 10-year-old British kid with a high pitched voice and says he will never do that voice even if you ask him to. And he also said that since he has such a dirty mouth he would start cursing like crazy in the booth and would be stuck in Negi's voice so it sounded like this polite little British child was cursing a bunch in the bloopers on the DVD.
And for Saiyuki, he was really angry when he didn't get to do Reload or Gunlock, so he was furious with the actors. He got to meet Yuri Lowenthal, who does Goku in Reload, but he didn't know it, so his director took him over and said "Now be nice." while he was wondering why he would tell him that and then found out; but now Yuri and him are good friends.
Towards the end, Alexis left early and saved a spot in line for the concert while Tyler, Andrea, and I stayed to listen to one of his punk rock songs for some racist CD and we watched a clip he's "not supposed to show us" from the twelfth episode of BECK which was a song his character sings. It dazzled me. It was beautiful.
Then we left and rushed to the concert but instead ended up waiting for a long time. We all sat around the stage waiting for him, and he came around singing the English lyrics for the opening of DNAngel. He told us about how he got into song writing and then sang one of his old songs. Then Shadowfax, the other DJ, turned on the music for "Brother", so he sang that for us. We also watched his music video for 'The Legend of Middle Tennessee', which was about his victory over the Miniskirt Army at AFO in dodgeball. He sang 'Nothing I Won't Give' live while we watched an AMV for it. He also sang 'Soldier A' with four choice audience members. Then Eyeshine came on and we left to the hotel.
We left to go back for the rave and when we were in the elevator we saw the Ed that Andrea danced with and he said "Those are awesome shirts." We all had a conversation until we got off. All the sins came together and everyone cheered when we did. So we were somewhat famous. We met our new friend, the 8th sin, Yaoi, or Sarah. She took some videos that should be put up on YouTube when it stops being a bag of douche to her. We all hung out, but it started to get boring 'cause the DJ wasn't nearly as good as Greg so we left and went to bed.

The next day was Sunday, but nothing major was happening, so we made our last purchases from the Dealer's room and went to closing ceremonies.
Vic had told us it's his dream to play Tamaki in Ouran, so I bought the tag picture of him in the Artist Alley for him to sign.
Before the ceremonies we walked over to Publix and got some water, powdered doughnuts for Vic, and cheese and crackers for Greg. Alexis says she gave Vic the powdered doughnuts and he said "Oh, you're evil." She was thrilled. So after Publix we waited for the closing ceremonies, and I really wanted to glomp someone before everything was over and done, so I saw the Auron from the Anime Human Chess Match, and he had two "GLOMP ME" pins on, so when he walked away I ran after him and glomped him. He said "You got me!" and gave me a hug. He was pretty smexy, too. >:3
Then we all went in to the Closing ceremonies and lost our voices even more. While we were outside, the fire alarm had gone off and so when we went inside Shadowfax turned on the Time Warp so we got up into the middle of the dance floor and started dancing. Then he turned on Dragostea Din Tei and we started a conga line with 173 people which went up on stage and then we did the Cha-cha Slide. After we got off, Shadowfax started up the Hamster Dance and we all square danced together. Then the ceremonies started and earlier Andrea and I had created a code name for Greg Ayres, since we still hadn't gotten his autograph or given him his cheese and crackers. He was "The Lovebird", since his hair is purple and yellow. We kept whispering to each other about his movements, which was pretty funny. After the ceremonies ended we ran up to him and gave him his cheese and crackers, (he loves us now) and asked if he could sign some things for us. He said "Sure, but it had better be outside or it'll get hectic in here." So I got my tag signed by him and a picture of Chrono, and my BECK DVD, which was the best of all. I was dazzled by him and was on a complete high, when we went back to the hotel we did that weird whistle and yelled "WE LOVE YOU, VIC!" Since he was in the lobby. We would also proclaim our love to every anime fan out there and give them hugs. We had to leave to go to an AMAZING Italian restaurant. The food made Ryan and I so high. I had some cheese ravioli in honor of Greg Ayres and his love for cheese. And gods, I went insane. There was a picture of an angel reflected on a window so I mocked the pose and said some weird stuff. On the car ride back I was on a complete high and said some really random stuff and freaked Celeste out like "Fermented soybeans." Ryan held up his hand and started shaking it and asked how many fingers he was holding up and I said "Whoa, shaky!" And they sang the anthem, but I added in my my own line of "FERMEEEEEENTED SOOOOOYBEANS!" After that we went to our rooms to change to go swimming and I sat around on a high in the chair. Andrea was in the bathroom for a while so I yelled "She's taking a BIIIIIIIG SHIT! Heeheeehee." (Mad laughter) I was insane.
Then on the way back we listened to the Vic's CD's and the real version of Soldier A with Chris Patton in it. I love that man, although I won't actually meet him until AFO in early August. I slept a lot with my Axel plushie and when the CD's ended we listened to the radio. When we were close enough to Jupiter, we heard 'Tribute' of Tenacious D. Hah.
And now I have mixed feelings. I feel wondeful because it was a lot of fun, and terrible because it's all over. All I have to say to make it better though, is that next year, it could be even better!
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