Get the Canada uniform cosplay done I did this. And it was beautiful. And all the awesome Hetalia buddies I have now only made it better than I could have imagined
Manage Kite Eishirou cosplay er...this dream died before Otakon. Crashed and burned even. But I regret nothing!
Figure out someone from Baccano! to cosplay Going to do Chane. At some point....
Get a summer internship (or get a job. As in, actually make money this summer) pfffft *fail*
Have another epic year at Otakon *big thumbs up*
Have an epic weekend at Anime Boston hey guys. Sunday? Sunday was amazing.
Do Nanowrimo again (this year use Heroes and Thieves or possibly the Borrowed Time series)
Try to start doing amigurumi commisions er....this sort of happened?