Sep 02, 2007 13:32
Due to the nature of the changing TOS of the LiveJournal Service and my being held accountable for the content contained with in this journal I am in the unfortunate position of having to add my own User Agreement clause to those of who friend my journal.
As all of my content is posted friends only and only complaints which are reported to LJAbuse are investigated and may result in the banning on my account I request you all answer the following poll to record your acceptance, or not, of these conditions.
By friending this journal I indicate that I am
- Of at least 18 years of age.
- Do so knowing that I may be exposed to adult materials and topics which might be offensive to me or other people.
-Will not raise issue with ljabuse if I do take offense and will conduct myself like a rational and free willed adult and either bring my grievance to the journal owner or use my right to un-friend this journal and remove myself from exposure to the offensive material.
-I understand a record of acceptance of these terms will be kept and handed over to LJAbuse should I file a complaint after clearly identifying I had accepted the conditions described here and willingly exposed myself to the content of this journal.
Starting 9/1/2007 only those who have accepted the above conditions will continue to be granted access to this journal. All friends who have not agreed have been removed until such time as they do agree or I feel the need for the additional agreement to no longer exist.
Poll ChiaBrit User Agreement