Oof. I have been working a lot, and keeping terribly busy otherwise. The dog (young master Hurlington) has gotten enormous. He went from that adorable, tuck him under your arm tiny puppy stage to 'Hey, when did we get a house-horse?'
Being a puppy is exhausting.
Will not hold still for pictures.
Growth spurt!
He's growing fast - he put on almost 15lbs between vet appointments. Impressive!
Sometimes I come back from work and it seems like he's slightly larger than he was when I left.
Speaking of work, it has been good. Extremely busy - Superbowl Sunday was horrible (all the same, go giants!) and was pretty much just non-stop madness to the tune of vast, complicated pre-orders throughout the day. I got another raise, though, so that's rather nice. Up to $7.50 an hour, which isn't bad for a job I've only had two months. The store manager let me in on her master plan, day before yesterday, telling me that the goal was to put me on a set schedule of coming in at 10am five days out of the week, and 9am the other two, so I can begin learning how to open the restaurant in the mornings. Well, I already know how to open it, but she means from the management side. Oh yes, middle management. You are within my steely grasp.
Multiple construction workers from nearby sites have befriended me. These men are possessed with the kind of filthy honesty that makes me mildly uneasy. Within the first five minutes of meeting someone you should not (a) inform them of your Hep C+ status or (b) the details of your relationship with your last lover.
In the past, friends have suggested that perhaps I give off some sort of freaky-ass truth serum that forces otherwise normal individuals to bare their souls to me within moments of meeting me. It just might be true.