Updates on Grandfather

Sep 12, 2007 21:46

Sadly, I've not been able to visit my Grandfather in hospital because of my stupid school examinations, but my family has been there to visit him everyday. Originally, I was planning to go today after school because my exam ended earlier, but since they were already there, they told me that they would take me there later in the day for another visit, but as it turned out, they could not because they had to fetch my Grandmother and Aunt home, so I couldn't go. Sigh . . . however, at least they bother to update me about stuff.

Oh yeah, apparently, my Grandfather was pretty much a nightmare patient. He kept saying that he was okay, refusing to take his medicine or telling the doctors how he was really feeling. In fact, he was so sore about being in hospital that he only answered people with one-liners. The doctor even had to come in and scold my Grandfather because he was refusing to take his medicine. Told my Grandfather that he was upsetting his family members by not taking his medicine, and my Grandfather finally took it.

I guess I could say it was pretty humorous, but I would much rather go and see him personally. Oh well, since I don't have any school tomorrow (yay, thank heavens!), I would be able to accompany my family members when they see him.


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