When I visited a store today to buy some groceries I found this manga. My first thought was: "Yey! ^^ Finally they decided to give out Fullmetal Alchemist in Norway!". I have already seen the anime (some episodes in English and some in Japanese), and had very high expectations for the manga.
And I got really disappointed...
Not because the manga was worse than the anime. The manga was fine ^^ The only thing that really disepointed me is that the persons that have translated it has done a really bad job...
The worst example is maybe that they have chosen to translate the names.
For example:
- Fullmetal Alchemist is translated to Stålalkymisten (So why didn't you translate the title so I could get a warning?)
- Lust has got her name translated to Begjær
- Gluttony is now named Fråtseri
They have also decided to translated human transmutations into kroppstransmutasjon (kropp = body), which gives Ed and Al a bit of a trouble when they are going to explain themselves:
English Manga: "We've given up on transmuting humans, but my brother still wants to get me my orginal body."
Norwegian Manga: "Vi ga opp tanken på å transmutere kropper, men broren min forsøker fortsatt å finne en måte å gi meg tilbake kroppen min på." (English translation: We gave up the thought of transmuting bodies, but my brother still tries to find a way to give me back my body.)
But even thought the fact of this terrible translations, I think I'm going to give the Norwegian Fullmetal Alchemist another try when volume 2 comes out. I just have to try to not be too irritated every time I read Begjær instead of Lust...