Been a while since I last updated my LJ with anything other that tests and comics.
But I'm not going to tell you everything that have happened since last time, but I'm going to write a little about this summer ^^
I've had a great summer and have get to know some new lovely people, and I have been spending time with old friends. Friends is the family you choose for yourself." And of course I have spent some time with my family in blood.
And for those of you wondering why I haven't come with some GNU/Linux entries for a while I've made a new blog for everything Linux:
My L1NUX!. Love my little Tuxy and GNU, and I've actually made a T-shirt with Debian-Ubuntu-Mint-Baby-Tux ^^ So now I can show my Linux love to everyone :P For some reason guys get so surprised when I start to talk about Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Wolvix und zu weiter. I'm really wondering why they think Linux is just something guys are allowed to use O_o ? And while we talk about Linux right now I'm testing Jolicloud 1.0 on my netbook (Asus Eee 900), and yesterday I found out that Wolvix 2.0.0 is out ^^ So today I'm going to install the new version of Wolvix on my super cut pink USB drive (have fixed on it a little and made a necklace of it, and people keeps asking which jeweller I've bought it at ^^).
Other things. I've (finally) got an inner conch vertical industrial in left ear after planning it for almost 5 years ^^ I really love it, it's so pretty <3 But that's my last piercing I think, not going to pierce my ears the "regular" way and not planing any other piercings. So I think this is the last one, but only time will show...
Soon a new semester will begin at the university and I'm actually looking forward to it, it's going to be fun to meet all the people again ^^