Today Ubuntu 9.10 codename Karmic Koala will be realised, but we are not able to download and burn it just yet...
Every time Ubuntu comes with a new version you have two choices:
- Update the with Update Manager
- Make a fresh install
I prefer the last one, since you will get all the new updates and changes that way (and don't have to worry about all the problems you have made when you played in the terminal :P). But when you make this choice you will also have to install all programs and other stuff that you had in the previous version.
Anyway: Whatever way you wish to update Ubuntu make sure to do a backup of all your beloved files, just in case ;)
The fist must install is
network-manager-pptp to manage VPN connections!
Other must have programs and software
- Sun Java 6.0 Plugin (kind of explains itself, doesn't it?)
- VLC (Media Player that can play almost everything)
- Ubuntu Restricted Packages (gives you all the codecs you need)
- WINE (to be able to run Windows applications
- CheckGMail (to get notifications when I get new mail ^^)
- Adobe Reader (I just hate default pdf reader)
- Gufw (Graphic user interface for the firewall in Ubuntu)
- Avast! (Antivirus)
I think you can find all of these in Ubuntu Software Centre (New in Karmic ^^)
Other MUST-HAVE's, which can't be found in the Software Centre (I think)
- Adobe Air and then Twihrl (the best Twitter client ever!)
- Ubuntu Tweak (Makes life much easier)
- Skype
- LucidLife (A program for investigating and playing with Conway's Life, a famous cellular automaton)
- Dropbox (For syncing files - Same as UbuntuOne but you can share with Windows, Mac and other Linux OS's)
- Caffeine (Keeps your computer awake when your watching movies and stuff)
Needs WINE to run
Other things that have to be done
- Enable Compiz Desktop Effects
Open the Appearance window
* System > Preferences > Appearance
* Select ‘Desktop Effects’ Tab
* Check either ‘Normal’ Or ‘Extra’ - Make the Windows Button work again
Go to the System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts menu item > "Show the Panel's Main Menu" and edit the short cut - Install more fonts by copying this into the Terminal
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 && sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts && sudo apt-get install ttf-larabie-straight ttf-larabie-deco mplayer-fonts xfonts-terminus-dos xfonts-terminus xfonts-terminus-oblique xfonts-mona tv-fonts ttf-tuffy ttf-sjfonts ttf-sil-padauk ttf-sil-ezra ttf-paktype ttf-georgewilliams ttf-fifthhorseman-dkg-handwriting ttf-farsiweb ttf-essays1743 ttf-opensymbol ttf-nafees ttf-mgopen ttf-gentium ttf-freefont ttf-dustin ttf-devanagari-fonts ttf-dejavu-extra ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-alee - Remove Computer Janitor from the menu before you get tempted to use it (DO NOT USE IT! Use Ubuntu Tweak instead)
- Make Ctrl+Alt+Backspace restart your session if the system freezes:
Write this in the terminal:
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Then copy and paste this into "xorg.conf".
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "DontZap" "false"
It's possible that you will have to logout and in to get this you work.
Must have addons in Firefox
And yes... If you want Ubuntu you can download it or request a CD from
this site.
Edit: And when I just have finished the new version was released! YEY :D