Name: Connie
Age: 15
Personality: Friendly, badass, tomboyish and always tries to do the right thing. Even though it sometimes can get her in trouble. She's adventurous and loves to have fun. Her demons are mainly based on the element of Air and wind. For now Connie has one demon.
Demon: Kira. A small air-dragon.
Demon's personality: Don't be fooled by the small size. Kira packs a powerful attack despise fitting on Connie's head perfectly. She's hotheaded, loves naps and tends to disobey her owner. Yet, she loves Connie dearly and would never do anything that could cause her harm. The disobeying is merely to see her frustration, which amuses Kira a lot.
Element: Air and Wind.
Air blast = Blasts a powerful force of wind towards the opponent.
Demon: Mizu. Humanoid devil-demon.
Demon's personality: Mizu is the quiet, strong type. He hardly speaks, and is like a bodyguard for Connie. He always makes sure she's safe and would cause serious harm to anyone who dares hurt her. Unlike Kira he doesn't hesitate to obey Connie, and finds it frustrating too when Kira pulls on Connie's patience. He doesn't take bullshit and he also likes to read. Is incredibly intelligent and an upper level demon. Meaning he's very powerful and not one to be messed with.
Element: Light.
Attacks: Uses mostly a sword, but also has some powerful energyballs and a breath that can kill. It can also heal if someone's poisoned or paralyzed.
Name: Eric
Age: 16
Personality: Eric is a mostly happy-go-luck guy. He is nice to most everybody he meets, whether they're a friend or a rival. He takes insults and put downs pretty hard, but is also quick to forgive. He's not that close to his family, so his demons are very important to him. They constantly train because he doesn't want to see them get hurt when they battle. He's always been interested in the Underworld, where demons are from, so when he first learned to summon demons, he wasted no time in trying. While at first he could only summon smaller demons - which he didn't mind so much, but wanted something stronger that would stay with him. Whenever someone around him gets hurt, he often blames himself, regardless if it was his fault or not.
Demon 1
Name: Layla
Element: Fire
Personality: Pretty energetic and kind towards friends, however she can be suspicious towards strangers. She's very close to Eric. Very friendly, though at times she's a lot like a big sister to him. Whenever he's down, she always tries to cheer him up, and usually manages. However, when someone insults her, she can become quite hot-headed and even a bit violent in response.
Style: Layla is more or less an all-out attacker, whether she's using her elemental techniques and spells, her axe, or some combination. Despite her slight frame, she's got great physical strength, and she's incredibly fast, however this comes at the price of not being able to take very many hits.
Demon 2
Name: Strom
Element: Earth/Rock
Personality: A newer addition to Eric's team, Strom is quiet and pensive. He mostly speaks when spoken to, or when a reply seems needed. Despite his large size (almost twice as tall as Eric, and several times more massive) he's a very gentle demon. Style: Strom is almost the opposite of Layla. He's slow, but it's very difficult to break his guard, and he has access to natural healing abilities, making it difficult to chip him away, and allows him to help heal allies and friends.