In 2000 I learned that my health-care provider of 25 years had been acquired by a faith-based organization that denied certain procedures for religious reasons. I felt I had no choice but to change providers. I don't regret this; I'd do it again. But it was a giant hassle. FD became ill at this time and my prescription coverage wasn't ported immediately; I had to pay some stuff out of pocket; I had to switch doctors. Et cetera. On balance it worked out OK.
In Chicago if you want high-speed internet it's pretty much either Comcast or AT&T, both of which started out in life as other companies and have been gobbled up over the years. I haven't actually changed cable providers in over 20 years but the name of my cable service keeps morphing. As of early 2006 I had morphed into a three-fer package with Comcast, who handle my internet, land line, and cable TV. For the most part I am happy with them. The service has improved vastly since the '80s, and from time to time I even get a clueful tech support person to chat with. I had no complaints.
Then I started having a problem with my New York Times emails. I subscribe to the paper edition on weekends and during the week I get a headline email, plus email alerts for breaking news. For some reason these stopped coming altogether or came as much as 24 hours late. Weird, since my other email was coming through OK. So I emailed the NYT's help desk, not expecting much. Not only did they reply promptly, but they apprised me that it is Comcast's problem, and referred me to
this article. Oh GREAT. Since then I have heard and read more news about Comcast's transgressions with regard to my privacy and my right to information and communication. I called them to complain and got a clueless twit who kept trying to tell me that the problem was caused by their compliance with FCC rules. Idiot.
So, what now? Is AT&T any better? It is more expensive to switch ISPs and keep the same company for phone and cable. Bugger!