Jun 13, 2003 12:50
last cigarette: i'm anti-cigarettes
last kiss: last night
last good cry: two days ago while I was writing Johnny's birthday card
last library book checked out: god knows
last movie seen: Ocean's Eleven
last book read: um...right
last cuss word uttered: probably 'fuck you'
last beverage drank: wawa peach ice tea
last food consumed: taco
last crush: Andy Garcia
last phone call: John
last tv show watched: uh...the news
last time showered: this morning
last shoes worn: reef flip flops
last cd played: the spinners
last item bought: that infernal GPS
last thing downloaded: no idea...maybe 'Ferry Cross the Mercy'
last annoyance: my mother
last disappointment: April 5th, 2003
last soda drank: Coke
last thing written: a dorm room list
last key used: backspace
last word spoken: 'bye'
last sleep: last night
last sexual fantasy: Tuesday afternoon...oh wait, that wasn't a fantasy...
last weird encounter: Mr G. coming up behind me in the convertible and grabbing my ear scaring the shit out of me
last ice cream eaten: i dont know...
last time amused: right now thinking about the encounter int he convertible
last time wanting to die: this morning
last time you fell in love: i fell in love? that would be August 8th, 2002
last time hugged: last night
last time scolded: last night
last time resentful: last night
last chair sat in: the living room couch
last lipstick used: haha...try prom night
last underwear worn: um...my Victoria Secret pink ones
last bra worn: my Victoria Secret matching pink bra
last shirt worn: my blue open back tank top
last time dancing: yesterday
last poster looked at: my Imagine one
last show attended: does a movie count? Matrix Reloaded
last webpage visited: Alyssa's LJ
1 MINUTE AGO: was doing this survey
1 HOUR AGO: I was in the shower
1 DAY AGO: I was wrapping John's present
1 WEEK AGO: I was your mom
1 YEAR AGO: I was probably out with John
I HURT: um...my nose hurts kinda
I LOVE: PENN, and Johnny
I HATE: periods
I FEAR: thunder and lightening
I HOPE: I love PENN as much as I do now
I FEEL: content
I HIDE: your mom
I DRIVE: a stick shift
I MISS: talking to my roommate
I LEARNED: how to get my nails done WEE!
I NEED: to move to PENN
I THINK: I am obsessed with PENN
current music: nothing
current taste: WAWA
current hair: its in a braided pony tail and my bangs are strait and off to the side
current annoyance: period
current smell: nothing
current thing I should be doing: my laundry
current desktop picture: Paul McCartney
current refreshment: WAWA peace ice tea
current worry: my relationship with Johnny come next year
1. What do you most like about your body?: smile
2. And least: my big thighs
3. How many fillings do you have?: 0
4. Do you think you're good looking?: yes
5. Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?: yes
6. Do you look like any celebrities?: no