If you enjoy Ashlee Simpson's music/voice/existence than I have lost all respect for you.
Here is the hilarious clip where she doesn't even try to make a feeble
attempt at singing in the half time show of the Orange Bowl.
http://www.bryantchoung.com/archives/2005/01/video_clip_ashl.shtml this is someone else's website so there are hilarious comments made by many a people below it that you may enjoy like...
"Not only is she assaulting the public with her bleating-moo of a voice, but she
actually manages to be less useful than her sister."
"People pay hundreds maybe even up to $ 1000.00 per ticket to go to that football
game- and that was the halftime show???? 15 minutes of running your fingers
across a chalkboard would have been more entertaining than that- !"