Dec 19, 2007 22:21
I've never really loveeeeed befooooooore.
Typing the events of the whole day would be so totally pointless, because I barely remember anything and Karen already has everything written down [en pointe. say it aloud damnit.].
I freakin' love my barkada. I am so grateful that we're not like those conflicted barkadas, or the groups of friends that aren't really friends, but we're people with a bond yo. I don't normally like being with people but when I'm with them I feel like I never want to leave. Ever. :(
Thanks for today guys, I really loved it. :) From our Cookie!Morning to you guys abusing me about ballet to counseling to our spotting talk to our swimming to our Benji-ing to our songwriting to our ostracizing to our Ratatouilling to our sleeping to our singing to our dancing, I loved every.single.second. of the day.
I really love you guys. Erica, Anica, Nina, Karen. :)
<3 "MY HEART BEATS FOR YOU, ONLY FOR YOU!" <-- inside joke. =))
special mention: to erica and anica, thanks for the 2 hours we were together :P You guys have been accepting me for who I am since I was in the third grade, and you guys get a special mention cause I've known you both longer. And you saw me do my kickass roll over the bed. =)) And my contemporary routine =)) I really didn't want to leave, lol, I was considering sleeping over na. You guys roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooockkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I DONT WANNA BE WITHOUT YOU :D
Today was fun.